“Being in this house alone is the story of my life, Rhys. Nothing new here, and quit screaming, you’ll wake your beautiful baby up! Besides, they caught the assholes that did it to me. I’m fine.”

“Not physically dangerous, Violet. What happened to you was horrible. You can’t be there alone, not yet.” His voice was ruining me by the second.

“My mother is on her way.” I hiccupped and he heard it. He stayed silent. I was buzzing and a little bit horny, but even more pissed off.

“I’m sorry, Violet.”

Sighing with sarcasm, I let my anger through. “I am too. I’m out of wine, and I was really looking forward to a bath in that claw foot tub and your cock. But seeing as how you are up to your ears in dirty diapers—” I hung up before I could do any more damage. I was angry and full of wine. Calmer and clearer a few minutes later, I decided to text him.

VIOLET: Anything I say for the rest of the evening isn’t going to be nice. I’m pretty sure I am in love with you and the Hyde to your Jekyll. And also, that baby that was squirming on your hip tonight, I’m pretty sure that was love at first sight with him. But I can’t right now. So don’t make me.

I turned off my phone and waited for my mother.

I stood staring at the bloodstain on my hardwoods. It was time to face what had happened to me. I didn’t need to keep hiding behind my parents. It was time to really think about what I was doing. I needed to process and move on. Get divorced, get on making that bucket list. I had no idea what would happen with Rhys, but I needed to start today. What I was sure of was there couldn’t be anything more surprising than the last two stunners I’d just had thrown at me. I was robbed and left for dead. And my beautiful demanding Dom was a loving and doting father. Nothing could be more bizarre than this.

But you know what they say, everything happens in threes.

I had just hurt her, and it was the last thing I wanted to do. She had already been through enough.

Pulling up to her house, I was determined to make things right. I parked across the street behind a Lexus, recognizing her husband’s car immediately. I’d seen it the last time I was here. I stamped my rage down as I stepped out onto the street. Noticing that the car was still occupied, I approached it quickly. He was staring at the house as if he were afraid of it.

He should be.

I had no time for this bullshit. Violet was inside, alone for the first time since she was attacked. Although she told me her mother was coming, I was unsure if it was the truth or an excuse to keep me away. The look in her eyes when she realized Bryce was mine, the way she studied me as if I was a stranger, had me dropping Bryce off with the neighbor and racing here. I was a man possessed and so close to claiming her, there was no way this clown was fucking it up.

Alex jumped when I tapped on his window. He opened it, eyeing me carefully.

“Can I help you?”

“Yeah,” I said, bending down eye level so he could see me clearly. “You can get the fuck out of here.”

“Pardon?” He looked completely confused as he studied me.

“Alex, right?” I snapped.

“Do I know you?” Alex wiped his face with both hands to cover the fact that he had been crying. I didn’t give a shit.

“I’m Rhys, your replacement.”

Alex looked stunned, and at the same time, a little affronted. My gaze surveyed the inside of his car, noticing a half-empty bottle of bourbon in his passenger seat. His voice was a whisper as he stared at the house. “Is she okay? I saw on the news and I knew her mother would never let me see her in the hospital. They almost killed her?”

“Yes,” I said, my agitation growing with his concern.

“I have to see her.” Alex’s voice shook and I took a step back as he got out of the car. Grabbing his jacket collar, I slammed his body against the car to help him close the door.

“You lost that privilege the day you left the house. You weren’t there to protect her that night. What gives you the fucking right?”

His face contorted in anger as he tried to pull away from me. “She is still my wife. I have things I need to say.” My blood boiled as I tightened my grip.

“I should pound your pretty fucking face in for what you did to her. She’s moved on. Let it go. It’s not your job to look after her. You gave i

t away. I took it.” I saw the fear in his eyes as I shoved him back against the car again, his body sinking against my hold.

“You’re right. I have no right to be here.” His face twisted painfully and I let him go.

“I just wanted to see her, make sure she is okay,” he said in his retreat, putting his hand on the car door. He gave up so easily.

He didn’t deserve her.