“You like this,” he said, holding me tighter to him.

“How do you know?” I asked.

“Last night, when I held you,” he said softly.

“You don’t miss anything, do you?” I said coolly, burying my face in the pillow, knowing he had heard me crying.

He pulled me onto his chest and held me tightly to him. “I like it, too.” I nodded, trying to tamp down the emotion building as he looked at me so sincerely.

“Just do me a favor, don’t say things you don’t mean,” I said, nuzzling his neck.

“Such a cautious woman, but at least I know why,” he said, his fingertips putting me in a daze. He leaned in and whispered, “Thank you.”

“Oh no, sir,” I said, placing my hands under my chin on his chest, “I should be thanking you.”

“That’s not what I’m talking about,” he said with a smirk.

“I know,” I said, planting a kiss on his chest.

We ate dinner on his deck that night. This time I put my skills to use, and he was more than appreciative. I stayed another night at his urging, not that it took much effort to convince me. Before we went to sleep and after he’d had his way with me, he wrapped my arm around his waist. I guess it was his turn.


The next morning I woke to an empty bed. Apparently, Aiden was an early riser. I had no obligations but knew it was time to make my exit. Freshly showered, I walked downstairs in the oversized t-shirt Aiden had laid out for me. I could only imagine the questions that would be circling around Carson’s head as I joined him at the car in sweats and high heels.


“In here,” he called from the kitchen. The Red Hot Chili Peppers sang “Give it Away” as I observed him plating pancakes.

“Morning,” I said with a smile. He looked up at me with a brilliant smile of his own, his eyes roaming me in his oversized t-shirt. The amber globes heated as I stood there thinking delicious thoughts of what we’d done last night. He seemed to be thinking the same.

“It’s about time,” he said, rounding the counter. “I’ve been slaving away,” he scorned.

“It looks amazing, really, but I don’t eat carbs,” I said as he crashed into me, kissing me with a greedy tongue.

“I don’t give a fuck right now,” he said, taking my lips again.

Whoa, he must be fond of t-shirts as well.

He walked me over to the breakfast nook and pulled off my t-shirt. He took a single finger and rubbed it between my thighs, feeling me ready for him.

“Are you on birth control?” he hissed through clenched teeth.

“Yes,” I whispered back.

“I want to come inside you,” he said as he plunged one, then a second finger inside me. My desire was audible as I panted. “I’m safe, Nina, but I’ll wait.”

I shook my head. He instantly turned me around to face the table then lifted my leg so my knee rested on it. His hands roamed my back as I waited to be filled, aching and burning for him.

“I woke up craving you. I should have just taken it.” I was instantly full as he slammed his cock inside me. He fucked me viciously as I braced myself on the table, moaning uncontrollably.

“I want to be the only man who gets this, Nina. The only one.” He groaned as his thrusts picked up speed. I came loudly, begging for more as he thrust again and again relentlessly until he came minutes later, filling me in hot spurts. He wrapped his arm around me, rubbing his orgasm all over me, between my lips and up and down my drenched pussy. He circled my clit over and over, continually rubbing his cum on me and into me as he whispered, “I want you with me, Nina. I really want you with me,” he said as he kissed my neck and I gave into his skilled hand. “I’ll worship this perfect body as long as you’ll let me.” His hand slowly stopped, and he led me upstairs so we could both wash off. I stayed silent as I thought about what he asked me. Yesterday I’d practically declared myself his girlfriend. Is that what I wanted? And just because he wanted to exclusively fuck didn’t mean he wanted a relationship. It was too soon.

I could be sexually exclusive…with Aiden.

“I’ve called my car. It’s probably waiting for me downstairs,” I said, pulling on the jogging shorts I’d taken up residence in. Well, besides the nearly twenty-four hours I’d spent naked.

“Leaving?” he said, wiping off his chest.