“Do you want me to stop? I asked, gripping him roughly.

“Did I tell you to stop?” he said through clenched teeth. I shoved his pants down to his ankles, grasping his ass with both hands and shoving as much of him in as I could. Minutes later, he withdrew from my mouth and pulled me to my feet. His breaths were heavy, his eyes hooded. I knew he was turned on. I hoped I had delivered and all the evidence below certainly pointed to the fact that I had.

Huge, thick cock, amen.

He reached behind me, unclasping my bra and sliding the material off with his fingertips, letting it fall to the floor. My nipples peaked with his stare alone and his eye shut briefly before he covered a nipple with his tongue. I gasped out his name and his gaze shot up to me. His eyes dilated, telling me he liked the sound of his name on my lips.

He released a perfectly peaked nipple from his mouth and led me to the chair on the opposite side of his desk. He carefully removed my panties and sat me down, slowly hooking each of my legs over the armrests, spreading me wide before him. Wrapping his arms around my middle, he pulled my ass to the edge. I had never been so exposed and had never been so wet in my life.

“Did you like sucking my dick?” he asked, kneeling down while sliding the tip of his finger up and down my ridge. I shuddered and barely got out the words.

“I loved it, “ I murmured.

“Good to know,” he said as he slid that torturous finger inside me. Another gasp and I was having a hard time keeping still. He slid that single finger over me again and again, tracing my pussy while exploring it with his eyes. I closed mine, gasping as he added another finger, sliding them easily in and out.

“Eyes on mine, Violet.” I did as he said as he leaned over and sank his tongue into me, causing me to jump. He stopped his movement, and when I whimpered, he scolded me.

“Don’t move again, or tonight my tongue will be the only thing you get.” It was a threat I knew he would make good on. I willed my legs still and kept my hands planted on the rests, gripping the handles.

He licked me from my ass to the top of my folds and I couldn’t stop my limbs from shaking. It felt amazing, but I knew I had to warn him.

“I…I can’t come like this. I mean, it’s hard for me to.” His gaze hot on mine, he lifted his head slightly, his lips glistening with my juices.

“I’ve had my tongue on your pussy for ten seconds, Violet, but I could eat it all night. Stop talking.”

He licked his lips clean and it took everything I had not to grab his head and take his lips because I loved what they were saying. Yes, sir. I held my breath as his tongue flicked at my clit again and again. His fingers circled me sweetly, the stroke of his tongue gentle and coaxing. I kept my body still while inside I was screaming. I felt the pull coming faster than it ever had. His tongue, now more aggressive, swirled and licked and sucked, and by the time I had figured out he had twisted his fingers and was fucking me relentlessly with them, I was screaming his name in praise. Oh…my…God.

I came hard, shuddering and pulsating in places that hadn’t existed until this minute. Fuck, fuck, fuck. “Fuck yes.”

Rhys was still on his knees, plunging his sinful fingers in and out of me, rubbing my wetness all over my pussy. “Glad you approve.”

He didn’t seem surprised at all. I, however, was floored. He leaned in again, sucking my lips clean, taking every single drop of the pleasure he just gave me back. When he had his fill, he looked up at me with a lust I’d only ever dreamed about. I burned it into memory and leaned in, cradling his head, taking his soaked lips, tasting and sucking them mercilessly. He grabbed the back of my head quickly with both his hands and our tongues mingled perfectly. Our kiss was almost as intoxicating as the cloud that lingered from my orgasm. The fog was amazing. We got lost in tongues and lips and sucking. I slid from the chair into his lap and wrapped my legs around him, squeezing his hips.

“Violet,” he protested. We both inhaled sharply as my soaked sex hit his hard dick. “Violet,” he mumbled, his lips still covered in mine.

“Enough!” he said, pushing me off his lap gently. I was instantly humiliated and quickly apologized.

“I’m sorry. I got carried away,” I said, biting my lip in apology.

“Don’t be. It’s just that isn’t what you are looking for, right? I have other plans for us tonight.”

“That would have been pretty vanilla, huh?” I smiled deviously.

“Exactly,” he said, putting his cock back into his pants as my pussy twitched in protest.

“What, um, about you?” I asked, nodding toward the obvious and painful looking erection in his pants.

“He’s a big boy. He’ll be okay for now.” He gave me a full smile and I damn near lost it. This man had just feasted on me, had my juices on his lips, and was absolutely stunning.

“So how are we going to do this?”

“Didn’t I just give you a screaming orgasm?” he asked, locking up his computer before turning to me with that now familiar amused look.

“Yes, but now I thought we…” I replied sheepishly, knowing I was acting like a needy nymph.

“Now we eat.” He nodded toward my dress on the floor. I quickly realized I had been standing naked in front him without an ounce of bashfulness.

I could eat, but that was the last thing on my mind. And why wasn’t it the last thing on his? Wasn’t he tempted by me at all? I pushed the thought away as I grabbed my dress.