“This is all very clinical right now,” I said, crossing my arms. “But I can totally appreciate what you are saying. I…was worried…you know, about this kind of thing. Do you do this often, you know…” How did I ask if this was the norm? When he didn’t answer, and continued to watch me, I tried a different approach.

“What’s in this for you?” I asked as he stood and came toward me quickly and with purpose. I was flat against his office door in seconds, his eyes burning into mine, my palms flat at my sides. He gently grazed his erection along my stomach and I gasped at the bulge. I felt even more warmth spread in my panties. I would be sliding in my leather car seat on the drive home. He stood, his arms braced on either side of my head, and said nothing. I became uncomfortable and couldn’t control my panting.

“I think we both know what’s in it for me,” he whispered, now an inch away from my lips. “One week, Violet.”

He leaned in, brushing his lips on my neck, and I arched my back, begging for more. I stood in front of him, about to burst with need, my chest rising and falling, my eyes pleading. He turned the knob behind me and I followed his cue, walking out completely deflated as I looked back at the closed door. One week, just one week and that man’s mouth would be on me, his hands touching me, not to mention what that hard bulge silently promised. I shivered with anticipation; every step back to my car was agony. I needed release. I let my head fall on the seat rest and recalled the stormy eyes, chiseled cheekbones, and soft lips of the man I’d just handed myself over to.

God, I got lucky. I was willing to settle for several semi-attractive men with experience, instead I got an arrestingly handsome Mr. Thick Cock who seemed to have a wealth of knowledge. I clapped my hands together with glee.

Here we go…

Against my better judgment, I did as Rhys asked and threw out my bullet. I didn’t have toys. I had a toy. Now, I mourned the loss of it but saw a brighter future ahead, so I kept it short and sweet. There was no point deleting my erotic romances, but I would refrain from reading them. I made an appointment the next morning for a full STD panel, blood work, and to make sure I was doing well with keeping my birth control on track. Although I didn’t need birth control—that had been handled for me by my husband—it kept my periods regular and less painful. I spent six days thinking of the man whose gray eyes haunted me. Hours were spent picking out the perfect lingerie to wear to my kink debut. I cleaned my house frantically, to pass the time, and had even shown a listing or two. Being a part of the work force again felt good. I had pampered myself and even gone to lunch with a few girlfriends who had sworn me off after my endless months of hermit behavior. I’d begun to make peace with my circumstances, my failed marriage and my new arrangement—an arrangement that excited me to no end.

By the time the day came, I was so worked up, I had to drink a glass of wine to calm myself before I hit the shower. I scrubbed myself viciously and exited the shower, slathering on a new body tonic that smelled amazing. I had myself waxed the day before and was smooth as silk, already wet with thoughts of what the night might bring. I clasped my brand new silver see-through bra and put on the matching panties. I shadowed my hazel eyes with a dark bronze and tinted my lips a glossy nude. I pulled on my favorite black silk slink dress and matching fuck me heels and gave myself a “go get ’em” smile in the mirror.

Arriving at The Rabbit Hole thirty minutes later, I smiled at the same bartender who took my order after she complimented my appearance. She was absolutely beautiful with a heart-shaped face, overly pouty lips, and a small nose. She looked like a living doll. Her bright red hair and colorful tattoos only made her more appealing. If I had a female type, she would be it. I asked her name.

“Tara,” she said, delivering my martini with a smile.

“Tara, nice to meet you. Call me Vi.” She nodded and shot down to the end of the bar to help others who were patiently waiting for their drink orders.

“Red or green?” A man sat next to me on the stool and I took in his appearance. He was only marginally attractive and had a slightly large nose and thin lips.

“Pardon?” I asked, completely clueless to his question.

“Red or green,” he asked again, confused at my lack of knowledge until realization hit him. “Ahh, I get it. You’re new.”

“That I am...” I lingered, waiting for his name.

“Paul,” he answered, making himself more comfortable on his stool, a little too comfortable as he invaded my personal space, making no attempt to mask the fact he was checking out my tits.

“Paul, Vi, nice to meet you. So, tell me. What does it mean?”

“They are the levels of kink you are interested in for the evening. Red being the most extreme and anything goes type of night and green, well, it’s not quite as intense.”

I nodded, taking in his words, wanting further explanation, but was interrupted from asking when Tara addressed me.

“You can go back,” she said, turning to Paul, shaking her head no. I caught that I was off limits to Paul by order of Rhys and it made me feel wanted for the first time in months. I smiled and nodded to Paul who regarded me with the eyes of a man who had just lost his favorite toy.

I walked the hall, adrenaline spiking to levels I hadn’t felt in years. I turned the knob to find Rhys in the corner of his office, his hands on his hip, staring at the security screen until I entered the room.

“You look beautiful.” His comment caught me off guard, and I smiled as I closed the door behind me. “Hope you aren’t too offended by what I do about it.”

My reaction was instantaneous, my pulse sounding in my ears as I struggled to breathe as his words lingered between us. His eyes were fierce and a menacing smile graced his lips.

I quickly asked the question weighing on my mind. “Will tonight be red or green?”

“You’re nowhere near ready for red. Papers, Vi.” He held out his hand and I opened my purse as I walked over and handed them to him. He looked at the bottom line with satisfaction then rounded his desk, handing me his own. I looked it over, noticing the date was recent and his last name was Volz. When I was content

with what I’d seen, I handed them back.

I licked my lips as we both stood taking inventory. Jesus, he was hot. Tall, broad, slim at the waist. Tonight, he wore slacks and a simple collared shirt. He walked around his desk and bent over, catching the hem of my dress before lifting it slowly over my head. He pulled me close to him, our stomachs touching and chests apart. He kissed me sweetly but pulled away quickly as his eyes glittered over my breasts with appreciation.

“I think it’s time for an introduction,” he said, pushing me slightly away as he pulled his cock out from his pants. “Hit your knees.”

My sex twitched and I fell straight to them, mouth watering. I kept my hands away, studying the fucking gorgeous, thick cock in front of me. The head was huge and I couldn’t wait to wrap my lips around it. Another prayer answered. Mr. Thick Cock, indeed. I looked up to him as he gripped the edge of his desk with both hands, waiting expectantly. He had every right to be confident about what he had to offer. He was already slightly hard, and I couldn’t wait to see him at full potential.

I gave him a small smile in appreciation before shoving the entire length in my mouth, hollowing my cheeks as I pushed through a gag, feeling his body flinch. Looking up, I found his eyes closed tightly and gave myself a mental pat on the back. Giving head was my favorite sexual act and I made damn sure I was good at it. I sucked him so hard, the noises were unmistakable. I opened my eyes to see him grip the desk with white knuckles and heard his breathing, but quickly realized I was the only one moaning. Sucking harder, I played with his sack, swirling my tongue on the huge tip, fisting his huge dick and still I had no moans. His expression was filled with lust as he stared down at me, but I couldn’t hear him and it bothered me.