“He is,” she agreed, waiting for more.

“He has a son. A baby named—”

“Bryce, I know, honey. He told me in the hospital. He showed me a picture. He’s got to be the most beautiful baby I’ve ever seen, aside from you, of course.”

“Wait,” I interrupted, “you knew about his son?” My whole body came alive in a jolt as she confessed to me.

“Yes, he told me he hadn’t introduced you yet but would remedy that

when you got home in one piece. That man is in love with you, Violet. I got to know him pretty well. It can happen when two people are worried sick and stuck in the same room together for hours.”

He’d told my mom, which meant he had every intention of telling me. My heart filled then burst.

“Mom, remember when you told me I didn’t need a man for anything?” The quiver in my voice returned, along with a burn in my throat.

“Of course.”

“I think I need him,” I said, wiping tears from my face. “That’s why I’m here. I can’t stop needing him.”

“Oh, baby, you are in love with him. You want him. But if you had to do it alone again, could you?”

“Yes…no…I don’t know. When it comes to him, he’s got me pretty good,” I said, burying my head in my free hand and trying desperately not to fall apart on the phone with her. She would only worry, when the truth was they were tears of relief.

“You are coming home early, aren’t you?” She was smiling. I could tell.

“Yes, Mom.”

“See you soon.”

VIOLET: I’ll be at your house in twenty minutes.

RHYS: Jesus, did you just send me another picture of you half-naked on the beach?

VIOLET: I took it yesterday.

I got no response.

My heart was pounding out of my chest. The entire plane ride all I could do was think about his smile, his laugh, his kiss, his touch. I knew so much more about him, and yet it seemed like useless details compared to...simply...the way we felt. When he and I were together the world fell away and I knew for certain this—this, what I was feeling right now—was the way you were supposed to feel when you fell in love. I pitied the previous me who had lived so long without it.

I all but ran through the airport, dragging my luggage like it was a nuisance. I couldn’t remember ever wanting someone this bad. I had proven to myself that I was capable of being alone the last year of being married to Alex.

Now the truth of it was, life was just much fucking better with Rhys.

I would do this for me. I would allow myself to be happy. I would take a chance with Rhys and I would do it afraid.

I parked on his pavers next to his sedan and flew up his steps, running my fingers through my hair.

Suddenly the door was open and there he was. My chest was rising and falling as I took in Rhys. His forearm rested against the jam and he was leaning casually as he studied me. I heard the song he sent me playing in the background and my eyes filled. God, I was gone on this man. He took me in from head to foot and I couldn’t move as he drowned me in a sea of gray.

“You’re becoming very cheesy and romantic, Sir,” I said, my voice raspy and breathless.

“What do you say we break the curse of these steps right now?” He took two steps forward and I was in his arms, his mouth covering mine with his kiss. We both moaned, desperately pulling and pushing with tongues and hands. And then I was in the air with my legs wrapped around him, holding on tight as he carried me into the house and up the stairs. As the music grew more intense, I buried my head in his neck, breathing him in. I had listened to the song at least a hundred times by now and felt every word. Soap and spice filled my nose and I moaned a hello as I welcomed it. He put me down on my feet at the top of the steps and stood back, taking off my shirt slowly. I stood with my breasts exposed and peaking for him as he slowly unbuttoned my jeans, keeping my eyes on his. My lips parted as he slid them down my legs along with my panties and removed my shoes. I waited naked before him as he perused my body. He cupped a breast and moved his hand slowly up to my face, tracing the scar under my eye with his thumb. I let a tear escape me as his thumb slid up and down my cheek gently. He moved his other hand to my face and pulled me to him, capturing my mouth, thrusting his tongue deep. My knees buckled and he caught me, hooking my legs with his arms and taking me to his bedroom. He laid me on the bed and spread my legs, eyeing my drenched middle as he pulled his shirt over his head with one hand. Moving slowly, he tugged his jeans and briefs down, and then I was covered by his sculpted chest, his broad shoulders, and the face that had ruined me for all others. He slid his fingers inside me and I heard his groan. Grazing my clit lightly, his eyes filled with lust and I mourned the loss of his fingers as he pulled his hand away to remold and shape the contours of my body. His lips traced my front half, covering every inch of skin; then he turned me over and repeated his explorations with his lips and tongue. My limbs hummed as he turned me again, pulling me under him, spreading me out and massaging my thighs as he dipped his head and licked the divot in my neck. His tip was at my entrance and I gasped at the feel of him. He put my hand over his chest.

“This is home.”

With one thrust I was gasping his name. He moved inside me, grinding his thick cock so hard I dug my nails in his shoulders roughly, wrapping my legs around him tight as I pulled him deeper. He traced the scar on my neck with his lips as he circled his hips, making love to me slowly but with so much friction, I was on edge. I ran my hands over his chest and down his arms as he lifted me with his strokes, his eyes telling me everything.

“Rhys,” I whispered as his lips hovered above mine, my whole body shaking underneath him. He kissed me deeply, capturing the gasp from my orgasm and not letting me free. When my spasms subsided and he had no more breath to steal, he tore his mouth from mine. I looked up at him with everything in me and said the words that had been on the tip of my tongue that I could no longer keep inside. “I love you.”