“So tomorrow you and Bryce are going to cook a turkey?”

“I’m cooking one of four,” he said casually. “Thanksgiving is kind of ridiculous at my parents’.”

“Yeah, it will be the first one I’ve spent without mine, ever,” I said softly. “I wasn’t thinking about the holiday when I booked.”

“You do deserve to be there. You do deserve this break. Please tell me you are locking the house every time you go in and out?”

The worry in his voice gutted me. Fuck, I hadn’t thought about him having to worry about me, but I was touched that he was.

“I am, I promise. I actually carry mace with me everywhere. I get a little afraid sometimes, but it’s gated and I feel mostly safe here. I have a hard time some days. I’ll be honest, feeling safe was something I took for granted.”

“I’m sorry I brought it up,” he said, his voice low.

“No, I mean it’s valid. I’m in this big empty house, I didn’t think about how that would bother either of us. Honestly, I came to think about my next step, to get my shit together, but I kind of did that before I left. I’d stopped drinking as much, started working and working out,” I said, defeated. “I haven’t written one thing on my bucket list.” I sighed, getting out of the tub. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s beautiful here and I have a nice tan.”

“You ran away,” he stated firmly.

“I ran away,” I conceded. I was thankful when he let the subject drop.

“Tell me what you look like right now in the mirror.” His voice instantly put me on edge and made my pulse kick.

“Naked,” I said slowly. “You aren’t going to try to have phone sex with me, are you?”

“No, but if I was there right now...Fuck, the things I would do to that mouth and pussy.”

I was wet, so wet, and I’d already dried myself with a towel.

“Tell me one thing, please,” I said breathlessly, feeling my pulse pick up as I watched myself aroused in the mirror.

“I would open you up and lick you smoothly, but only once, from bottom to top with my whole tongue.”

My nipples peaked with that one sentence.

“Okay, a little more,” I begged.

“I would hesitate, because you would be so close to coming. I would work around your clit then plunge my tongue inside of you so you wanted it more...but you wouldn’t have time to ask because as soon as you opened wider for me, I would lick your tip so fast and then drive my fingers in, fucking you until you came hard, closing your legs around my neck. You do that, you know? You close your legs around my neck and squeeze when you come.”


“No.” His voice was firm. “Tell me what you are doing.”

“Watching my body respond to you. Should I touch?”

“That’s for me to do. Come back. I’ll do it all in that exact order.” His voice was heated and hungry.

“I will. I just...I hate that house now, Rhys. It’s not a home anymore. It’s a graveyard of bad shit. I think I just figured that out. I’m going to sell it.”

“I’ll show you where home is.” His voice was ragged and I knew he was just as turned on as I was.

“Rhys, I need you inside me so much,” I breathed.

“Fuck, come home now,” he commanded, no longer playful.

“I am. I’m packing. I swore if I could write one thing on my bucket list, something worthy of doing before I die, then I would come home.”

“What will you write?”

“Go back to Savannah. I’ll call you with my flight info. No more unannounced visits.”