“Hmm, interesting,” she said, playing along.

“No, it’s not really,” I mused at her reach for small conversation. “I’m taking a bath. Why don’t you join me?”

“I took one today. I was in the tub when I texted you, remember?”

“Take another one,” I said suggestively.

“Okay.” I heard the rush of water as she readied her bath, and minutes later, we both sank into our tubs.

“Kind of a feminine habit you have here, Rhys.” She laughed and I joined her.

“Baths are relaxing. I don’t drink when I have Bryce, so this is what I do. Don’t hate on Daddy’s bath.”

“Not hating, just an observation. Don’t forget to sprinkle your salt.” She laughed again and I heard her water splash.

“Cute, really you are adorable. In my mind, I have blistered your ass about a hundred times since you left.” I knew I had her attention.

“Well then, I guess I’m thankful my ass is safe.” She sighed and I could picture her beautiful hazel eyes peering at me, mouth parted.

My bath was no longer relaxing.

“Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, Violet. I don’t like that you’ll be alone.”

“I have a chicken to cook,” she said, upbeat.

“I’m cooking my first turkey.” I laughed at the thought.

“What’s so funny?” she asked, her silky voice making it hard for me to concentrate on her question.

“Me, Bryce and a raw turkey. I can’t wait until you get a chance to know him. He is a twenty-eight pound Godzilla.

“Tell me more,” she said sweetly.

“What do you want to know?” I asked, rolling up a hand towel with one hand before sticking it behind my head.

“Everything,” she sighed.

“Before I brought him home from the hospital, I Googled everything and I mean everything. I watched a few videos to get the gist of it. There was a lot of trial and error. I had help from my family, but I’ve been pretty much alone the whole time. I thought it would be easier than it was. Feed him, clothe him, change him. I didn’t put much weight on sleeping schedules or an extra set of clothes just in case, or the croup or baby reflux.” I paused. “I really never thought I would be a dad. I’ve been pretty selfish with my freedom my whole life. I liked just worrying about me. And then I found out he was coming and I couldn’t handle the thought of not keeping him.”

Thinking about the lengths I had gone to be his father, I admitted the truth to her. “You know I had to beg for his life. I had to beg every day for her to keep him until it was too late and she had to carry full term.” I thought about my son and smiled. “He’s the best thing that ever happened to me. I really do love it, being a father. I’m not resentful I had to give up my freedom, because honestly, I realized I wasn’t too happy with it. Things changed for me so drastically, I didn’t even realize that I’d become a father and nothing else. You were the first thing I had for myself since he was born. I guess that’s why I waited to tell you; I was being selfish.” There was nothing but silence on her end of the phone.


“Can I call you right back?”

“Sure, is everything—”

When I was done sobbing into my washcloth, I waited a few extra minutes to call him back to make sure my emotions stayed in check.

This woman, who he referred to so carefully, intrigued me. What kind of a woman wouldn’t want to have a family with Rhys? I was in no plac

e to judge and I had agreed to learn more, but I already knew I didn’t like her. And from what it looked like, she had abandoned them both.

I had to get a grip on these feelings. But in truth, when he spoke about his struggle and his love for his son, it left little room for doubt.

I shook those thoughts away and dialed him.

“Sorry, I had to use the restroom,” I said, the only decent excuse for my quick withdrawal. I was all for heavy conversation but I feared I couldn’t take much more, so I started where we left off on a light note.