He wasn’t crying, he was just talking to him

self. I looked at the clock. Midnight, shit.

Go back to sleep, little man.

My phone vibrated in my hand. I looked at the ID.

The Devil.

I stood stunned as I stared at the phone in my hand. I hadn’t heard from her in almost a year.

“I told you to never to call me again,” I snapped.

“You miss me and you know it.” Her voice used to get me hard in seconds, now it was like nails on a chalkboard.

“The hell I do. I told you I don’t want or need anything from you.” Bryce was getting louder, so I walked down the hall to the bathroom so she couldn’t hear. This wouldn’t take long.

“I think about you all the time. There is no way you have forgotten me.” She sounded so smug, so damn confident. It disgusted me.

“I can’t really say the same. What the fuck do you want?”

“So, who is she?”

“What do you want?” I gritted out, irritated.

“You, your cock filling me, right now,” she said in a seductive tone I was all too familiar with.

“Ship has sailed. Sailed fifteen months ago. I’ve gotten all I’ve ever wanted from you,” I said, matter of fact, my boredom clear over the line.

“I think we both know that’s not true, Rhys.”

I never used the word hate, and I never thought I would feel it toward someone I used to care about, but I was sure in this case, I hated her. I stayed quiet, having no desire to entertain her at all. I should have never answered the phone.

“And how is he?”

“Seriously, you will never know good or bad. Are we done here?” I couldn’t even handle her with care anymore, the way I used to. I had no intentions of ever treating her like she was important ever again.

“Rhys, please at least come soothe me.”

I laughed at her. She had actually assumed I would go aid her in her sexual depravity. “Why don’t you ask the idiot who flogged you? Seriously, is there a mental illness in your family? Not a chance. Don’t call me again.”

“What’s her name? This has to be because of a woman. You were always a bit soft on your subs. Too soft to be a good Dom,” she hissed.

“Fuck you. You can’t, nor will you ever know her name, and she will never know yours. Neither will your son.”

I hung up. Things must be going horribly for her to have graced me with that phone call. I didn’t know why I was so surprised she had the audacity to call me and beg for it. When it came to her, nothing surprised me.


“Okay, son,” I said, walking into his room. He smiled so wide, I couldn’t help but return it. He was trying to hoist himself from his crib as I approached him. Soon he would figure it out.

“Young man, go back to sleep,” I said, feigning a command. He giggled and reached for me, opening his hands. Even my son knew I was a sucker for him and didn’t take me seriously. Some Dom I was. I couldn’t even get a baby to obey me.

“Come on, big boy.”

He pointed to his diaper and I nodded as I picked him up. I shook my head as I grabbed him.

“You are the only baby I have ever heard of that summons his father to clean the crap off him. You are either really smart, which I’m thinking you are, or very OCD, which could be a problem.”