I loved this side of him. And then I thought of the passionate and disciplined lover who commanded my body. I stayed silent and he sensed my hesitation.

“Violet, what is it?”

“Rhys, we can have both, right? This and…the other. Don’t get offended—it’s just, am I wrong to want both? We—you and me—when it comes to the bedroom, we—”

“Absolutely,” he confirmed before I could finish.


“Better leave it to me,” he said, a slight hint of arrogance in his voice, and God how I loved it.

“How long have you been in this lifestyle?”

“I started when I was twenty-one.”

Whoa. That gave him over thirteen years of experience. And man did it show. Jealousy coursed through me and I had to push it down. He had to have been with hundreds of women.

Don’t ask, Violet. It’s none of your business.

“So you have slept with hundreds of women?”

SHIT, Violet.

“You are a shitty phone date.” He sounded amused, but I knew he was on guard.

“Sorry, I’ve never dated a Dom before,” I said playfully.

“All the questions can’t be yours, anyway. I plead the fifth on my number. And you are the last and only woman I want to be Dom to. I mean that.” I sat stunned at his admission. It was the first time he had ever referred to a real future with me.

“Rhys, why were you in the chat room that night?”

“The same reason you were. It’s been a busy first fifteen months. I was bored. My days are pretty boring sometimes. You can only watch so many episodes of Bunnytown before you start to sing along then slowly plot the damn puppet’s death. I couldn’t exactly bring a sub home. I’d been a good boy.”

“But you managed to see me?” I asked, interest piqued.

“I can honestly tell you, I had no intention of doing anything but browsing. I was on my couch screening new members for the club. I saw you check in, a few hours later you hadn’t typed a word, so I spoke up.”

“And then?” I asked quickly.

“And then curiosity got the best of me. We were kind of in the same situation. We both needed the same thing at the same time. You wanted the experience, and I needed a sub without long-term expectations.”

“So, I kind of fell into your lap?”

“At first I was going

to let you seek out your own partner by using the club. It’s not something I’ve ever done. I just knew you were lost, and I was just as lost at one time. I felt I was leading you to a safer place.”

I thanked the stars that aligned for me that night then asked, “Why leave it? I mean, you just told me we could have both.”

“I couldn’t own that club. Like I said, it was never something I wanted. And honestly, no subs were interested in dating a single father. I wasn’t exactly interested in dating them either at that point. Some of their needs are…insatiable. I couldn’t run out at all times of the night to fulfill those needs. I couldn’t really justify doing or starting anything with you the next day. I was determined to leave it behind until I could find a woman more suitable. And then, I saw you on the security screen.”

I stayed quiet. I wanted to hear more. He had no idea what he was doing to me. I was on fire and so wet I could have slid off my lounger. The mere sound of his voice triggered every nerve ending I had.

“And?” I prodded.

“You are just dying to hear this, aren’t you, Violet?”

“Yes,” I said, breathless. “Please tell me.”