I nearly jumped off my stool when his breath hit my neck but maintained my seated position, refusing to look at the source of the voice. It was low and sexy, but I was so in tune with the couple, I couldn’t tear my eyes way. Her panties were off now and she was on her knees, his cock in her mouth. I gripped the side of the bar, trying to keep my voice level.

“It could be better,” I replied to the man seated to my right. A million silent prayers went up in that moment as I tore my eyes away from the couple, hoping at least one would be answered, and turned to the man talking to me. I parted my lips slightly as I took him in. Gray eyes, strong jaw, full lips, a strong brow. Fucking hot!

“Mad Hatter, I presume?” I hoped I sounded coy, but the level of heat coursing through my veins led me to believe otherwise.

“Blue Alice?”

This could very well be the best answer to any prayer I’d ever gotten. He had broad shoulders and was dressed professionally in a three-piece suit. His tie had been loosened, and his wavy, jet-black hair was slightly disheveled. This man wasn’t just good looking, he was a slap in the face to good looking. I took my gaze away to study my martini, trying not to give too much away. I felt his intense gaze as it covered every inch of me, and it unnerved me and heated me at the same time. I wouldn’t worry if I was pretty enough for him, if I was the right body type, had the right color hair. Now was not the time for insecurity. Now was the time for me to be comfortable in my own skin and flaunt it as much as possible.

I boldly turned to him again, taking my turn to peruse him from his wing tipped shoes to his perfectly fitted suit pants. I lingered on the promising bulge resting between his thighs and then trailed up further to his chest, appreciating the crimson color of his tie before stopping at his face. He smirked and I found it incredibly sexy the way his lips twisted, his eyes never straying from mine.

“Vi, short for Violet, and I told you I’m getting a divorce.”

“Rhys,” he said, grabbing my hand and turning it over to kiss my wrist. I gulped down the moan that threatened as he lowered my hand back to my lap, caressing the top of my hand as he left it. Smooth. “Can I offer you another martini?” His voice was deep and unnerved me further. I jumped at the chance to numb myself a little.

“Grey Goose, dirty.”

“Very, very dirty,” the bartender said, grabbing my empty glass and winking at me.

I heard a gasp to my left and saw the man had fully immersed himself into the woman who was no longer able to wink, or even breathe for that matter. Her eyes were shut and her mouth parted as she wrapped her legs around him as he pounded into her. My body flushed, my breathing changed, and I didn’t have a chance in hell of hiding it. He gripped her throat roughly as she came and he picked up his pace as she screamed out. By this time, my limbs were weak with want. I felt my entire body come to attention and turned to look at Rhys who was watching my reaction intently.

“Beautiful,” he whispered as the bartender set my drink in front of me.

I was consumed by the scene that had just unfolded and intoxicated by the man whispering to me. I turned my attention back to him quickly. He didn’t seem interested in the couple at all.

“I’ve never seen anything like that,” I noted. “That didn’t turn you on?” I questioned, no longer able to keep my voice steady.

“I’m concentrating on you at the moment. Tell me, Violet, what do you want to happen tonight?”

“I want to be fucked exactly like that,” I said without hesitation. He chuckled as he finally looked over at the couple, watching them closely. I followed his gaze to see the man pumping the last of his orgasm inside her, holding her tightly to him.

“This is the extent of your imagination? This is you exploring your darkest desires?” His brows pressed together, as if he was confused with my admission.

“Not exactly, but I’ve never done anything publicly, either,” I admitted, sipping more of the martini than I should have. I was nervous, and it was obvious. So be it.

“So,” he said, sliding his finger around the rim of his tumbler, “let’s talk about that.”

I took another sip of my martini. He caught a small drip of vodka off my lower lip with his thumb and brought it to my mouth. I immediately responded, sucking the tart liquid off. FUCK ME. He smiled in response, and as soon as I was able, I kept talking.

“The thing is...I’m not exactly sure what I’m looking for. I just know. I want...something. I’ve been reading a lot and studying the different types of scenarios, fetishes, and I think—”

His laughter brought heat to my cheeks, which prompted a bite from my tongue. “This isn’t fucking easy for me, you know,” I huffed, embarrassed.

“Sorry, it’s just you really are so green.” He slid a hand down my arm, causing my entire body to lean into his touch.

I recovered slightly. “What’s wrong with that? Being green...Isn’t that what you people love? Aren’t I what you look for?” I gripped my glass stem, twirling the drink slowly around and he stilled my hand, commanding my attention.

“You people?”

“Yeah, you know…” I widened my eyes as the couple who had just been power fucking now walked past us, fully clothed with sated smiles.

“No, I don’t know,” he said, amused.

“If you are going to make me feel inferior and childish for being here, I’ll just cut my losses right now.” I grabbed my clutch and opened it, searching it for my card to pay for the drinks.

He stilled my hand again. “I apologize. It was brave of you to come here. I won’t make jokes at your expense again. Tell me what you want, Violet.” My name rolled of his tongue so smoothly; my body gravitated toward him a little more. We were a whisper away from a kiss.

I took a deep breath and got lost in the blue hue surrounding his gray depths. He seemed to be searching for something when he looked at me. His lips looked soft. I leaned in and pressed my lips to his. He seemed only faintly surprised and retuned my soft kiss, reaching up to cradle my face with his hand. God, I loved that simple gesture. But a kiss wasn’t exactly what I was there for. I pulled away from him as electricity lingered and quickly explained.