“Are you insane? What the hell are you doing at home alone!”

“Well, Mom, when a woman grows up and gets a job—”

“Don’t you take that smart ass tone with me, young lady! I’m coming over.”

“No, Mom, I want to be alone.”

“TOUGH SHIT!” The line went dead in my hand, and as soon as she ended the call, I jumped as it rang in my hand.


The bitter bitch in me let it ring. I had suffered because of my unfortunate circumstance. Not that having a baby was unfortunate.

That baby. God, he made beautiful babies.

I popped a bottle and poured.

I had been busted in the same way. This was irony at its finest, an unexpected house call that led to the discovery of a family member dwelling in the home that wasn’t expected. I voiced the end of my internal rant, screaming at my missed call.

“Sound familiar, asshole? Now you can sit and think about how your intentions were nothing but good and you were doing the right thing and are now being punished for it! Maybe I should fucking make you call me madam!” I chuckled as I poured more wine. What a week. I downed the first glass and poured another.

He sent a text.

I was pissed. He shouldn’t have.

RHYS: Please talk to me.

VIOLET: Oh, this situation is so familiar. Shall I ignore you for weeks and only demand sex when I see you?

RHYS: That’s not very fair.

VIOLET: No, it’s not. My husband was half dead when I found him on the floor after our night together. You never really let me tell you that. I rushed him to the hospital to make sure he stayed alive—although between you and me, I could be a millionaire now if he hadn’t survived—but hey, them’s the breaks and that’s the wine talking.

RHYS: No, I never let you tell me.

VIOLET: That’s right, you didn’t. So against my better judgment, I nursed his stupid ass back to health so I could ask him for a divorce. I planned on getting him out sooner. I didn’t want to lose you, so I lied. I wanted you too.

This is where I started glass number three.

RHYS: I swear even though we are texting I can hear you saying this to me, telling me off.

VIOLET: Does my pain amuse you?

RHYS: I’m grabbing Bryce and I’m coming over to your mother’s. I can’t take this. I need to see you.

VIOLET: I’m at home.

RHYS: What?


The phone rang in my hand and I screamed out a little. Okay, maybe I was a little freaked out.

Rhys didn’t give me a chance to greet him. “Are you insane? What the hell are you doing there alone!”

“Did you call my mother before you called me? Damn, she said the exact same thing.” I waved him off, although he wasn’t anywhere near me, nor could he see my gesture.

“Maybe we said the same damn thing because we both know it’s dangerous!”