“Sounds good to me,” I said as he leaned in one more time. “Text me?”

“Call you,” he said, lingering on my lips. He passed my mother on his way out, who turned to me with a knowing look. She closed the door with a whistle.

“Go ahead and say it, Mother,” I said, rolling my eyes as she turned to me with a smile.

“Told you so. He is your match, Violet, in every way.”

“Honestly, you probably know him better than I do. And if that’s the truth, Mother, why do I feel like I am always on the edge of losing him?”

“He feels the same with you. God, you should have seen how destroyed he was when they brought you in here. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a man lose his mind quite like that.”

I studied my mother for a few moments. “Mom, I don’t want to go back there.” No matter how strong I’d tried to be for Rhys, I didn’t want a

damn thing to do with that house.

“You don’t have to. Come home; stay as long as you want. Hell, sell that house.”

“No, it will be home again, just not yet.”

Settled at my parents’ the next night, I got a text.

RHYS: How are you? Better I hope?

VIOLET: I thought I was getting a phone call.

RHYS: Sorry, it’s noisy here.

I hesitated, not wanting to ask, but did anyway.

VIOLET: Where is here?

RHYS: Home. Family over.

VIOLET: Oh. Well, why are you talking to me?

RHYS: Because I miss you.

My heart filled instantly.

VIOLET: I miss you too. You and your family sure do get together often.

RHYS: Yeah, we’re close. What are you doing?

VIOLET: Taking numbing amounts of Vicodin, eating chocolate, and watching cheesy romantic movies. You know every girl’s dream.

RHYS: So you are lying when you say you miss me?


RHYS: Ouch.

VIOLET: Sorry, they say chocolate is a good substitute for sex, so I’d say I’m breaking your rules.

RHYS: You will be punished.

VIOLET: Can we please keep the punishments to your club? I never want to go to The Barracks again.

RHYS: I know. I regret taking you there. I was angry. But we had a little fun :)