He chuckled then and looked up to me, his eyes stormy. His hair was a mess and he looked like he hadn’t slept in a month. I reached out for him and he grabbed my hand and stroked his fingers on the inside of my palm. That gesture alone had my heart pounding.

He looked so crushed, I felt like I had to comfort him.

“Shit like this happens to people all the time. The police have been there. Did you know they caught the one who slit my—”

He tensed, his body instantly alert, and his eyes even more cloudy.

“Rhys, this stuff happens, right? When they called me a victim, I almost laughed. It’s unbelievable that it would happen to you or me; it’s just on the news and in the paper. I mean, he almost killed me and for what, my grandmother’s silver?” I thought back to what happened with indifference and I was sure I was still in shock. “It was so strange, the whole thing. I was alone and on my way to see you and then...they were there, tearing up my house. I was scared because I didn’t want to die. I was more afraid of what I hadn’t done yet. There’s a bucket list I haven’t made that I think I’ll start today, and I’m pretty sure now I want kids.”

He reached out and ran his hand through my hair.

“Don’t, save yourself. I’m pretty sure you could fry chicken up there. I am a greasy mess.” He laughed nervously and then leaned in, pressing his lips to my forehead.

He pulled back so we were face to face. “Violet, there are so many things I want to tell you, show you. I just don’t want to do it because this happened. It’s not right. It’s not the way it should be. I will tell you this, finding you lying on the floor was the worst moment of my life.” I pushed my tears down. I didn’t want him to see me cry.

It seemed I’d found Rhys’s weakness...and that weakness was me.

“I know we were getting somewhere, Rhys. Save your words. You are here, right, and without your little black bag. Unless—” I looked around the room “—it’s here somewhere? Sure could use a good session with those ribbons.”

“You are incredible.” He squeezed my hand a little tighter, his softened eyes piercing my heart.

“Oh, don’t stop being the unbearable bastard you are because of this. I was just getting used to it.” He laughed again, and this time when he leaned over, his kiss was for my lips. I pulled him to me and choked on emotion. He stood, planting soft kisses on all the undamaged parts of my face. He sat with me and held my hand, telling me that they had smashed a good amount of valuables and weren’t sure what had been taken, that I would have to do inventory when I was well. He’d had the house cleaned and explained that he knew it was presumptuous, but he wouldn’t dream of letting me go back home without having a system installed, and my parents agreed.

“Your door was unlocked?” he asked as he kissed my fingers.

I shrugged my shoulders. “I was giving candy out. I had the screen door closed and I guess I forgot to lock it before I got in the shower. Bonehead move, I know. I was just so happy when I got your text.” I paused, thinking how those words would affect him. “Really, I’m not sure how careless I’ve been. I probably leave it unlocked all the time.” I braved a look at him. He wasn’t buying it.

“Don’t lie to me,” he said sternly.

“Fine, but don’t feel guilty. It’s pointless. You had no idea this would happen and it’s not something you get to feel guilty about. Besides, it’s the truth. You have firsthand experience of how easy it is to get into my house.”

“I know, Violet,” he said, standing quickly. “Still, I can’t even begin to explain the thousands of thoughts that have raced through my head in the past four days, and not all of them were ones I could tell you.” His face went dark and I knew he was thinking about the men inside my house. “Did they touch you?”


He let out a long breath and relief flooded his features. Even a disheveled mess, he was absolutely stunning. I loved the amount of shadow on his face. His black wavy hair was unruly and his clothes were wrinkled. My eyes ran from the top of his head down to his shoes and up again. His mouth twisted into a smile.

“And just what are you thinking about right now?”

“I had on the hottest outfit for you, a leather thong.” He raised his eyebrows to that and I continued. “Yeah, baby, it was awesome. And my thirty-three year old ass looked smoking...Oh my God!” I said, covering my mouth.

“What?” he said, racing to my side.

“They saw it. The hospital staff had to have cut it off me!”

He chuckled and shook his head. “I’m sure they were more worried about saving your life, Violet.”

“Well, at least I gave them a good water cooler story, right?” I said, my face heating.

“I wished I could have seen it,” he said with melancholy.

“You will. I bought one in red, too,” I said, giving him a wink. He gave me my first big smile and my heart flipped at the sight of it.

“Violet, I don’t want to, but I have to go make sure the install is finished and—”

“Yeah, yeah, go. It’s boring in here right now, what with the bedpans and all. We have no potential for bondage.” I smiled and it hurt, but I didn’t let him see it.

“Oh, Violet, I can think of a thousand scenarios right now. You underestimate me. I want you walking out of here whole. I just want you to be okay. And the next time I take your body, I will make love to you in my bed.”