“By dying?”

“Maybe. Maybe my momma was right. Maybe I’ll go out in a spray of bullets. It’s so fucking ironic.”

“Goddamn it.” Cedric sat at the edge of my bare bed and looked up to me with unshed tears in his eyes. “I’m fucking begging you. Don’t do this.”

“She’s got a chance to live the life I always wanted her to have.”

Cedric stood and moved toward me with a set jaw. He didn’t stop until I was wrapped in the strength of him. His lips covered mine before he invaded my mouth and kissed me thoroughly. Feeling his need, I pushed out a surprised breath as he tasted and teased until I was breathless.

When he pulled away, he peered down at me with angry eyes. “If you make it back, I’ll never forgive you for this shit.”

Still enveloped in his steely arms, I wrapped my own around him. “I can live with that.”

He whispered into my temple, “I’ll send you a care package. You aren’t going in without a few old friends.”

I smiled with my head on his chest. “I’m counting on it.”

“Find him first.”

I let out a breath. “I’m pretty sure he’ll find me.”

“Excuse me, let us through.” I jerked out of my stupor as they wheeled Amber back into her hospital room. I must have fallen asleep because the room was filled with fresh daylight.

“How is she?”

One of the nurses at her side glanced my way. “I’ll have the doctor come and update you.” They had to rush her into a second surgery when I arrived at the hospital. I couldn’t find it in me to skip town without saying goodbye, without knowing.

And knowing was so much fucking worse.

Her body had begun dumping acid, and her lungs had collapsed. A gut shot brought on the worst imaginable pain. Someone had intended for me to suffer. Amber lay lifeless, attached to several machines, her porcelain face swollen from her struggle. I gripped her cold hand as she fought for her life, the way she had since she was a child. Remembering the little girl I had comforted after long, exhausting nights of cleaning. The sweet child who curled up next to me in bed,

who smelled of bleach, and cried silently after a day of relentless torture at the hands of her mother. And the day I left her to fend for herself in a world she was defenseless against.

“Here, Aylor.” Amber handed me a macaroni plate she’d made at school, and I studied it. The macaroni was dyed green and glued to a hand drawn brown tree trunk. Amber’s leaves were sloppily placed, but I knew she had tried her hardest. There was a note attached that read: To my mommy. Thank you for helping me grow.

I handed the plate back to her. “Amber, this is for Momma.”

Amber looked behind us to make sure our conversation wasn’t heard before she whispered, “You are my momma.”

I cupped my mouth as I sobbed out my apology. “I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry, Amber. Please don’t leave me.”

Amber lay limp, machines doing her breathing for her as I begged her forgiveness. “Fight, baby, fight so hard. I know you can do this. You’ve come so far. I love you,” I sobbed, unable to control it as the pain seared through my chest. “Please don’t go.”

“Ms. Ellison.”

Wiping my face with the back of my hand, I met the eyes of her doctor. “Yes?”

He glanced at Amber and then to me, no doubt comparing our similarities.

“Your sister is still critical. Abdominal trauma is tricky, and post-op is dangerous due to the high risk of infection and other complications. We will have to wait it out. For now, we have her under for pain and to keep her as stable as possible. I’ll keep you updated.”

“Thank you.”

I walked back over and gripped my sister’s hand. “You can do this, Amber. Fight. Just one more time, fight hard.” I kissed her temple as I took one last look at her. When I moved to leave, I noticed Aaron standing at the door with Nina behind him.

I was sure Cedric had updated them both. Aaron looked destroyed as he walked into the room.

I spoke to him as he passed me. “Tell them she’s your fiancée, that’s the only way they’ll let you stay in here.” Aaron nodded, his cloudy eyes on my sister. He looked over to me, brimming with tears. “Is she going to live?”