Daniello turned to me as soon as the words came to him. “I have come to vacation with you!”

Another bout of laughter had him growling as he took residence on top of me and peered down at me, aggravated.

I lifted a brow. “Do villains get a vacation?”

He smirked. “Villains take whatever they want.”

“And where would you take me?”

“Here,” he said as he motioned toward the bed and then nodded toward the newly delivered sofa. “And that couch.”

I pushed out a sarcastic laugh. “I’ll be spoiled for other men.”

He gripped my throat in warning. “No other men on vacation.”

“Noted. And as tempting as it sounds and as flattered as I am that you cleared your schedule for me for ‘vacation,’ I have a business to run.”

But I didn’t. Nina and I had worked out the details. I was on leave for at least a week to “mentally recoup,” as Nina had coined it, and then after I could rework a few proposals from home. Light duty until the mess blew over. And for the moment I was free. And I knew it.

Daniello didn’t know of my sudden freedom, but his eyes told me differently. His shoulders fell forward as he pressed me down into the mattress in silent aggravation and then released me.

“Then go, Taylor.”

I moved to take a shower and figure out how in the

hell I would spend the next six weeks of my life. I paused my feet to look back and saw him watching me. “You have made a different decision?”

“I’m not good at this. I don’t know what to do.”

Daniello’s brows furrowed. “There is nothing to do.”

“I’m boring. I’m not any fun.”

Daniello reared his head back in a laugh before he came toward me and pulled me into his hold. We stood naked with slowly building smiles. “You know, Daniello, this means you thought of me.”

Daniello looked down at me with soft eyes. “All the day.”

I rolled my eyes with a soft laugh as I gripped his hand and led him to the shower while he questioned my back with a clueless “What?”

“Amber.” My breathing was erratic, and I did my best to temper my moan as Daniello planted a tongue-filled kiss on my thigh. I pushed his head away as I set my purse on the counter. We’d just gotten back from dinner, and apparently, Daniello felt it was time for dessert. He followed the slit up my black dress and invaded as I tried to hide the overwhelming feel of him.

“Taylor, what’s going on? You weren’t at work today, and you didn’t come home last night.”

“I’m taking lea . . . leave.” I fisted Daniello’s hair in an attempt to pull him away. He knelt at my feet with explorative lips and eager fingers. “Just until this thing with Laz blows o . . . over!”

“What’s wrong with you?”

“I’m probably going to be absent for a few days.” Daniello shook his head and bit the soft flesh at the top of my thigh. “ . . . a week? A week!”

He seemed satisfied with my timeline and confirmed as much as he pressed his thumb to my clit.

I could hear Amber’s accusatory tone. “This wouldn’t have anything to do with a sexy, dark haired god with a thick accent, would it?”

Daniello’s unmistakable smile confirmed he heard every word. I gawked down at him and attempted to push him away. “I’ll call you tomorrow. And call . . . call me if you need me!” I hung up just as Daniello moved my panties to the side and darted his tongue out for a long leisurely lick up my slit. I gripped his ink black hair in frustration.

“That was my sister!”

Daniello ignored my scolding completely as he fed, and my screams followed.