“I’ll sell you back my shares before this thing explodes. And make no mistake, it will explode, Nina. But I want you to know, I had no idea any of this was going to happen with Amber when I agreed to partner with you. And the man, well, that’s on me. I was going to wait to resign closer to Amber’s court date, but I think it’s best if I do it now.”

“You will do no such thing.”

“I’m putting you in danger. Laz is unpredictable, and I have no idea which way he’s going to come at me. He’s had thirteen years to get creative. You’ve been through enough.”

“We’ll up the security,” she said with finality. “Everywhere.”

“Your loyalty is appreciated, Nina, but it’s too much. It could get you killed, bankrupted, or both.”

“I don’t give a shit who comes out of the woods to bury you. I’ll be there to hit them with their own fucking shovel.”

I laughed and let a single grateful tear roll down my face. “Thank you.”

“No, Taylor, thank you. If it weren’t for you stepping up when I needed someone most . . .” She expelled a long breath. “Does Cedric know?”

“He’s all over it. I have two guards now. Amber does as well.”


Nina winked at me. “You probably don’t need any.”

“At this point, I’m a little bit less practiced at guns and sharper at paperwork. I need the protection.”

Nina shook her head. “I admire you, Taylor, for how far you’ve come. I’ll never utter a word to anyone outside of this room. Your secrets are safe. Now grab your purse and let’s go blow off some steam.”

“I was a paid whore for my education.”

I jerked in my seat as Taylor confessed to her partner.

Rocco faced me with alarm. The private plane touched down in an uneasy bounce so that his question came out in an uneven rush. “What?”

I waved him off as I homed in on Taylor’s words. “He’s dark enough on his own.”

I bit my lips to hide my grin as I pressed the buds in my ears so I wouldn’t miss a word. It was wrong. They were her confessions to tell, but I didn’t give a fuck. I couldn’t afford to. Every day we were together we were on borrowed time, even though I was trying my hardest to change that.

Rocco attempted to interrupt me again, and I glared in his direction, unwilling to stop the recording. I was far too intrigued. I had bugged her office the day I made my proposition. And after that, her condo. I had visual and audio at the penthouse, and she had basically gathered that because I told her I watched her. But I left nothing to chance. A woman with her resources could discover a lot. Still, I was untraceable, and I had to make sure she remained faithful to our arrangement. She hadn’t uttered my name to her partner.

She was loyal.

Rocco and I grabbed our bags from the overhead compartment as I heard Taylor unveil more secrets to Nina. She was careful with her words and said little about me. But it was enough to let me know my place with her.

“It is your whore,” Rocco concluded as he watched my face with contempt. He ignored the warning in my eyes and made his way to where our SUV was parked. I checked my phone and saw she was at the penthouse, most likely asleep. She’d been there many times in wait for me.

And that meant something. More than it should. More than was allowable, even by my own standards. But I knew back in Tennessee I was far too engaged with her.

At home in Barga, I’d watched her undress in the penthouse and touch herself with my name on her lips. She knew of my eyes on her. She knew I would see her. I heard her every plea as she beckoned me with her touch.

It was need that drove me to her.


And I could handle lust in all forms.

Intrigue kept me there.

And now . . .

“Imbecile,” I muttered to myself as I slid my key into the door and opened it to find her sleeping. I knew the real danger lay in the way my heart beat in my chest—sharp, painful, needy.