“I know you do, and you will have me when I want you to.” I braced myself as my orgasm built but not before I asked him again.

“Not this way, please. I want your cock, Daniello. I want all of you.”

“And I will have all of you,” he declared, running his thick bulge over the top of my ass. I split apart at his coaxing, and he turned my head and kissed me deeply while I shuddered. No longer able to hold myself up, I cradled his neck, keeping him there. He continued his tongue exploration for several minutes, even after my body stopped convulsing.

He was so thorough in his quest to sate me, and yet he hadn’t given me what I truly wanted. I moaned as I reached a second peak and had to mentally bite my tongue to keep from begging again. This was another game, a way to conquer me, keep me hungry. Fuck if he hadn’t won, but I did little to let him know. Yet, he knew. He was strangely intuitive when it came to me, like we’d been lovers for years and he could anticipate my every need without words.

He kept his fingers running over my sex as a fresh orgasm leaked from me. The act alone seemed to please him as his cock pulsed against my back.

“Let me taste you,” I requested as he pulled away from our kiss.

“No,” he barked before he lifted my bra into place and began buttoning my blouse at the same slow pace. When he’d dressed me in the exact same way he’d disrobed me, he stood behind me for a moment longer, staring into the cloud we were surrounded by, watching the water drip down the large windows.

“It is a pity that you do not feel yourself worthy of a view like this Taylor Ellison.”

“I never said I wasn’t worthy,” I corrected with absolutely no fight in me. “This is too much for just me.”

“Ah, but you are so much woman,” he teased as he gripped my hair roughly and brought his mouth to mine one last time. “Come, let us go. I have a plane.”

“Going home? Italy home?” I asked gathering my wits and taking one last look around. I could see the potential and for a moment entertained the idea of what it would be like to live there. I had grown accustomed to working in a high rise, but living in one had never crossed my mind. I studied Daniello’s profile as he closed the door and handed me the key card for the elevator with the house code written in bold on the back.

I studied Daniello as we took the short walk back to the elevator. “Why would you look for a place for me to live?”

“Why do you question everything?”

“Why do you not answer any of them?”

“You know why,” he said sternly as the doors closed.

I hid my smile, knowing I was getting under his skin. “We may not have anything in common, Daniello, but our path is the same. We will both be eighty and will have only lived to work.”

“I had

a wife once,” Daniello admitted, surprising me. “I was young. She was beautiful.” I stood, waiting for more, and when he remained silent, I pressed on.

“What happened?”

“She belongs to another now.”


Daniello stared at the floor between us while he spoke.

“I wanted to make a fortune, and she wanted to make a family. I left her. She found a man to give her a family. She is very happy.” Something about his tone and the distance in his stare told me there was more to that story.

“And are you happy with your fortune?” I asked as the elevator stopped. Daniello took a step forward, blocking the door, and they closed again, leaving us face to face.

“I got exactly what I asked for.”

“That’s not an answer,” I said, growing weary of the circles he had me spinning in.

“I am a rich man with no family. I got what I asked for.”

“Good for you,” I said, motioning with my hand for him to let us exit. He ignored me, his eyes penetrating and inquisitive.

“You do not think I made the right choice?”

“It’s not my concern.” He smirked and pushed the button, so the doors once again opened.