“Would you stop drooling, you moron? She’s obviously shy,” Nina scorned him in a whisper as they entered the elevator.

“That woman will have my babies, sister,” Aaron said smugly.

I saw Amber’s eyes light as she caught his comment and turned to look back at him. He winked at her, unashamed, just as the doors closed.

I pressed my lips together to keep my laughter in from his cocky comment and felt a tug of recognition for Daniello as I made my way to my office. Amber took in her surroundings, her steps faltering slightly as we entered my expansive corner of the top floor. As soon as my door was closed, I briefed Amber.

“Your attorney’s name is Janet Adler. She specializes in family law and is the best in Charleston. I’m assuming the grandmother isn’t well off and can’t afford much in the way of representation.”

“She’s broke,” Amber agreed, taking a seat behind my desk.

“And the father?” I stared her down as she twisted in her seat and darted her eyes to me. “Tell me, Amber, what is Joseph’s last name?”

I could feel it. The name pained her. “Walker.”

“Jesus Christ, Amber!” Despite my suspicion, instantaneous anger boiled through me.

I knew it.

Laz was the father.

“That’s the only reason he didn’t kill me last week.”

“Yes and no. I never thought he wanted to kill you,” she defended weakly.

I crossed my arms and sat back in my chair. “And you two thought, what? That I wouldn’t put this together until after you got your son back? Did you think I would just throw some money at you and not be involved? Are you both that ignorant?”

Her posture stiffened in ready defense. “I planned on telling you. I just didn’t know how. I thought Laz might’ve told you when you spoke to him, and that was maybe why you had avoided me all week.”

“We had no chance to discuss paternity, Amber, considering he was kicking the shit out of me!”

How the fuck did this happen?

The intercom interrupted my next question.

“Taylor, your nine o’clock is here.”

“I’ll be there in a minute, Ross,” I snapped and looked back at my sister, who was watching me with guilt-ridden eyes.

“So, what’s the plan, Amber?” I crossed my arms. “If you think I’m going to help you regain custody of your child so you can go back to that monster and to meth, you can forget it.” I paced my office, furious I hadn’t seen it more clearly. I looked out my window and down at a few bustling tourists and shook my head, trying to take calming breaths.

“Listen, Taylor—”

“I’m listening,” I said, keeping my back to her.

“Laz and I aren’t together,” she assured carefully. “It was only one night, and it was a mistake. I love him, but not in that way.”

“Uh huh, and now this is where you tell me that he’s a good father.” I turned to her, noting the color coating her cheeks. She didn’t like defending herself. It ran in the family.

“No, this is where I tell you that I will do whatever I have to do to get Joseph back. That I will never set foot in Dyer again, and that for the first time since he was born, I feel like I may be able to be a decent mother.”

“And you think Laz will just let you have his son?”

She blew out a breath and slunk back in her chair. “No.”

Hands on my desk, I leaned forward. “And what do you propose we do when he comes for him?”

“I hadn’t thought that far ahead,” she said exasperatedly.