Laz stood a few feet away, his features showing exhaustion.

“Thank you for taking care of her, for being there. Laz, I’m sorry about what happened. I’ve—”

“Bullshit,” he snapped. “You didn’t give a shit about me then and you don’t now. You just want a clean getaway.”

I took a step toward him. “I want that, yes. That’s all I’d ever wanted, Laz. I’m sorry.”

He pushed a rock around with his boot then without hesitation met my green eyes with his blue. I couldn’t help the familiar pain that spread through me as I remembered better days at this pond. I could see the recollection in his eyes, too.

“Pretty smart asking me here.” He grinned menacingly. “Take your sister and leave.”

“That’s it? No more games?”

“If I decide it that way.”


He reached for my throat with both hands and squeezed hard as he bit out his words. Clawing at his hands, I felt the burn from lack of oxygen as my head pounded and realized what a fool I’d been.

“You fucking owe me, Red, more than you will ever know. And when and if I feel it’s time to collect, I fucking will. You and that man you decided to bring to my fucking house won’t be able to do shit about it. Now get the fuck out of here before I change my mind.”

I gasped as I fell to the ground, seconds from unconsciousness, tears welling in my eyes. He kicked me solidly in the chest, and I felt a rib crack under the weight of it. I reached for the gun behind me and pulled it around as Laz kicked it from my hand then backhanded me. Blood immediately started pouring from my nose as I stood slowly and glared at him, ready to fight tooth and nail.

“If you think you would’ve ever won with me, Red, you are sadly mistaken.”

“No,” I hissed through my pain. “I lost with you a long time ago.”

No matter how much time had passed, here at our place, memories of soaking up the sun with the blue eyed boy I loved ran through me like waves, forcing the point of loss home. My Laz was completely and utterly gone and replaced by a monster I didn’t recognize, and that I refused to surrender to.

He smirked as he watched me wince in pain and I took a step full of contempt toward him, chin lifted, ready for war. I knew I would lose but not without inflicting lasting pain. I heard Daniello’s shout from a distance and saw Laz grip the gun in his pants before leaving it where it sat on his hip and walking toward his truck.

“I’m not doing this for you,” he hissed as he ripped his cab door open.

“I know,” I said, looking back to see Daniello coming toward us full force, eyes blazing in anger, his gun pointed at Laz.

“Get him the fuck out of here, Red,” Laz bit out as Daniello’s first bullet ripped through the metal on the side of his truck. I saw their eyes connect and the hate that ran between them and stepped in front of Daniello’s next shot. He roared in anger as Laz sprayed gravel with his departure.

“Goddamn you, woman!” Daniello yelled as he caught up with me, fury all over his face. He ran after the truck, cursing in every language he knew while unloading his gun.

“I know, I know, no one can abuse me but you.” He moved toward me and gripped my head, his eyes roaming what I was sure was a purpling neck. I pulled my head away as he inspected my nose. “I’ll let you strangle me next time, okay? Can we please just leave? It’s over.”

“He will be dead by morning,” he promised, glancing over my shoulder for the long gone truck.

“NO!” I didn’t know how to make him understand. “Please, it’s over,” I lied. “Promise me. Promise me right now you will not hurt him.”

“You ask too much of me.” He closed his eyes as I wiped the blood away from my nose and onto my T-shirt.

“It’s over. Take me home.” He nodded.

“This I will do.”

“Promise me.”


He gave me a deadly glare as he checked over my appearance and seemed satisfied I was in one piece. We walked silently back to the car, Daniello glanced in my direction every few seconds with what I thought was concern. Amber was waiting next to the car door, fidgeting nervously.

“Let’s go,” was all I said as I rounded the driver’s side. “I drive,” Daniello muttered, pointing to the passenger seat. I got in without argument as we made the bone aching drive back through Dyer. Daniello routed us back through without needing any direction and slowly drove through town, taking it in for the second time.