“So, you clearly aren’t a fan of American’s, either, seeing as how you criticize our ways of keeping sexual acts behind closed doors. Exactly which country should I frequent where finger fucking is allowed at a local bar?”

He smirked as he sipped his brandy. “You people lack passion, romance.”

“And that was your idea of romance?” Though my voice was steady, I was having a hard time hiding my reaction to the sight in front of me. Every inch of Daniello was perfection, from his brown toned skin to his dark hair and perfectly etched but full features. His size was an absolute turn on. He filled his clothes out effortlessly and I knew what lay beneath was a solid, if not muscle covered body. I also knew his cock was massive and just as beautiful.

He crossed his arms. “No, that was easy gratification. Her eyes told me she wanted me and so I gratified her with my fingers. I appreciated her lust for me, and I returned it to her. She was in need and did not require romance.”

“Is that what you call what you did?”

“Yes, that is what I call what I did as I spread her out on her back that night and filled her pussy with my cock.”

I sat shocked as he leaned in. “I see the jealousy in your eyes, Taylor.”

“You see what you want to see,” I quipped. “And for the record, it’s not my concern what you do with other women.” Frustration rolled off of me. “I could end this before it starts. You come off as a pompous ass right now, which I do not find attractive. You talk a big game and have a beautiful face, but you should know those traits are not isolated to wherever you came from. In fact, that’s very American. I could throw a stone and hit another man just as full of himself. You came after me, try not to forget that.”

“I have offended you. I apologize,” he said, picking up his water glass.

“Are you sure you know the definition of passion? Because from where I’m sitting, all I see is boasting. For all I know you may have no clue how to use that beautiful cock.”

“Now you are the one being rude,” he snapped, pulling out his napkin and smacking the air with it before placing it in his lap.

“This was a mistake,” I said, pushing my chair from the table.

“One night,” he said, stopping me before I stood. “One night, Taylor.” I loved the way he said my name. The way his voice accented it so ornately it seemed important. And by the way he was looking at me, I felt that way. He didn’t want me to leave. There was no plea, no question. Just a simple command.

“I’ve got nothing to lose,” I rasped out, straightening in my chair as the food was set before us.

“That is where you are wrong.”

“Are we back here again already?” I rolled my eyes and nearly jumped back as Daniello stood quickly, took the two steps to my chair, and pulled me from my seat. “Taylor,” he breathed as his fingers

brushed my face before he cradled my head and stopped his lips a hairsbreadth from mine. He held me snugly to him as if I was precious, and I fought the urge to disintegrate the last of the space between us.

“I look at you, and I truly want you, Taylor. You are not angry with me. You are angry with your need.” His breath tickled my skin as he leaned in further, brushing his lips against mine before he spoke. “What you need, what your body is screaming for, I want to give it.” I felt a strange tug inside of me as his hands held me delicately. He stood perfectly still as his eyes wandered to my lips. “If this night is the extent of our time together, I will try to show more restraint…until I get you alone.”

All I could do was nod as his lips gently descended on mine. Once connected, the inferno took over. My moan reverberated throughout his mouth as I opened for him and his skilled tongue stroked me tenderly and thoroughly. All my anger vanished and anything left unsaid fell away as he tasted me completely with his tongue. Unable to control my reaction, I melted into him, gripping his shoulders to keep myself standing as we moved in unison, unable to get enough. Just as I expected him to pull away, he dug in deeper, completely ruining my chances of escape.

His tongue was velvet as it stroked mine and our mouths molded together. The only thought swirling inside of my head was that I didn’t want it to end. When he’d had his fill, he slowed our kiss, still tasting me gently with his tongue and swiping my lower lip and sucking it into his mouth. I kept my eyes closed as he finally pulled away, afraid he would see what was in them.

“Taylor,” he urged gently.

“One night,” I said, certain it would be all I could handle. I could compartmentalize lust, but this attraction was far too strong. He was like the opposite end of a magnet, and I had no choice. I opened my eyes to see him watching my face carefully.

“I cannot wait to taste all of you,” he whispered, pulling my lip inside his mouth again as I kept my whimper inside. “Watch you come all over my cock.”

“Okay,” I said as my knees turned to Jell-O. He laughed loudly as I tried desperately to keep my cool. He let go of me and pulled out my chair. I took it, thankful. When we resumed dinner, the air had changed around us. It was no longer filled with contempt, just lust and longing. I finished my scallops with a low appreciative moan.

“That was delicious, thank you,” I murmured.

Daniello set down a large amount of cash on the table, stood, then held out his hand for me. I took it without hesitation as he led me through the front door and guided me into the waiting SUV. Once seated, he pulled me into his lap, and our lips crashed together, as if not a minute had passed since our kiss in the restaurant. Daniello pulled his mouth away and leaned over, removing my heels before smoothing his hand up my leg, and not stopping until his fingers lightly brushed my sex. I jumped in surprise as he pulled my chin with his other hand so I was staring right at him as his fingers pushed my panties to the side and invaded me hard and fast.

“Oh,” I said, trying to get my face out of his grasp as he plunged in and out of my center with his skilled digits. In an attempt to control my reaction, I closed my eyes. His fingers squeezed tightly around my jaw, and I opened them immediately, giving him what he wanted.

“Your pussy is so fucking wet, Taylor. You need me?”

Without hesitation, I moaned out a yes.

“Show me your desire for me. It pleases me,” he commanded. “I will be good to you, beautiful woman. I will covet you.”