“You have. Taylor Ellison, Scott Solutions. How are you, Mr. Jeffries?” He gave me a small smile as he motioned to the bartender.

“Davis, please…ah, yes, Taylor. I hear congrats are in order,” he remarked of my new partnership in my company.

“Thank you,” I murmured before taking a sip of my drink, feigning interest in conversation and in him as I looked at the couch full of millionaires behind him. They all owned a small portion of Charleston, textiles, travel, and one of them actually the last name of several landmarks of the city. None of them were interested in their conversation as they stared at Davis’s back to see his progress. It was clear I had my pick. In fact, I recalled two of them had propositioned me at one point. Two men I didn’t recognize had their backs to me and were in a heated discussion.

“…and I swear I had. Would you care to join us?” Davis finished as my eyes roamed back to his. He was attractive with dark blond hair that had been tamed neatly with the proper cut and product. His suit was tailored, outlining a fit body, and I was sure he would make for an interesting evening. Still, before I made a decision, I wanted to weigh my options. I allowed him to lead me to my buffet. Every man stood aside from the two who were clearly having a deep conversation. The patio was dark, and I nearly stumbled as Davis led me to sit on the white couch next to him. The rest of the men greeted me with lust filled eyes and soft hellos.

“Gentlemen,” I said sweetly, my intent anything but. I set my drink down and took a corner seat, distancing myself from Davis enough to let them know I was fair game. The inner me cheered as they all began to speak at once.

“Taylor Ellison, right—”

“Scott Industries, I heard the stock was soaring—”

“I’ve been meaning to introduce myself—”

I gave a soft laugh as the men fumbled over each other, and I saw Davis tense. It was game on. I replied to a man I knew owned two textile plants and a nationwide retail chain.

“John, yes, hi. We actually have a meeting in a few weeks,” I admitted as he leaned in from across the table.

“Yes, we do.” He grinned as if he’d won the upper hand, and he might have until the man that had just been in an aggressive conversation with the man beside him set down his empty glass with a loud clink at the table opposite me.

“Daniello,” I said on a whisper in surprise as his angry eyes met mine. I was sure the anger was misplaced due to his recent argument with a man that stood to leave. He looked gorgeous in his ever present, double-breasted suit and wingtips. He was perfectly put together, aside from his slightly mused, slicked back hair. His eyes were intense and his jaw firm as he addressed me.

“Taylor,” he rasped out as he took in my dress and the men who surrounded me.

“What a coincidence,” I said, making polite conversation. “You have business in Charleston?”

“I have business everywhere.” His words covered me in curiosity, but before I had a chance to respond, Davis moved slightly my way to engage me.

“I have an idea I’d like to run past you,” he whispered as I kept my eyes on Daniello, who looked ready to jump over the table and hurt Davis, or me, or both of us.

“Oh yeah,” I flirted, finally turning my eyes away from the man who had haunted my thoughts for months to focus on Davis. “What’s that?”

“I was wondering—”

“I had hoped to finish our game,” Daniello interrupted without apology as I crossed my legs to dull the ache that began to grow the minute I saw him. “You have not been back to the club.”

“I grew bored of it,” I said simply and without looking at him as I averted my conversation back to Davis. The men next to us shifted uncomfortably, sensing the undeniable tension in the air. The only one seemingly oblivious was Davis as he continued. “I was wanting to ask if you are free—”

“You look bored now,” Daniello said smugly as he lifted his empty glass. “You should put your mouse down, Taylor.”

Davis turned to glare at Daniello who sat confidently as a fresh drink was delivered. He stopped the waitress by putting his hand on her bare leg as she stood next to him. Her eyes were hot on him, and I knew immediately anywhere that hand wandered she would welcome it. Her lips were parted as he rubbed the back of her thigh with his fingertips. “Thank you,” he whispered to the waitress, stroking her as his eyes challenged mine.

“Why don’t you put your mouse away?” I snickered as his hand drifted up further, brushing just beneath her skirt. She opened her legs slightly as the men at the table looked on in awe and frustration. A few of them averted their eyes, clearly uncomfortable at the display. I was both shocked at the abandon of the waitress and at the same time not at all surprised. Daniello had that effect. I knew it the minute I saw him at the club months ago.

After an uncomfortable lull in conversation, uninterrupted by whimpers from our fearless waitress, one of the men next to me cleared his throat loudly and began speaking. They all joined in, leaving Daniello, Davis, and I to our own discussion.

I turned to Davis. “Looks like the help is busy, and I could use another drink.”

“Say no more,” Davis said with uncertainty, looking between Daniello and me as he stood, but not before staking his claim with a kiss on my cheek.

“I am rather enjoying my mouse,” Daniello whispered as his hand slid up even further, brushing her where I knew she was as hot as the burning between my legs.

“You do that.” I winked. I kept my game face on, but inside I was dying and refused to let it show.

“I love satin,” he complimented her on what I was sure was a soaked pair of panties as he stroked her. She made a small whimpering sound but stood, taking his attention as he fucked me with his eyes.

I became slightly paralyzed as I heard her exhale when he slipped fingers inside her. I cursed my pale skin knowing it was probably red with the mix of my desire and the alcohol. At the same time, the dark cover of the club revealed little. I had to strain to see Daniello’s movement. I looked up to his mouse’s hooded eyes as she began to pant.