“Yes,” I murmured as I tilted my head up to kiss him. He darted hi

s tongue out, and I met it with mine as they entwined and danced, his cock twitching, his release coming fast.

“I need all of you,” he said, pulling out and rubbing my back entrance.

“Please, Devin.”

His finger plunged into my soaked core, pulling out an orgasm as he slipped inside, filling my ass with his girth.

“What am I doing, Nina?”

“Taking what’s yours,” I said heatedly.

He quickened, his hand still teasing my clit. “I need to possess it all. All of you.”

“It’s all yours.” He came hard at my words, a loud rumbling moan escaping his chest as he continued moving through it. I took his release as my body shuddered. He pulled away from me long enough to turn out the light then returned, wrapping himself around me. After a few minutes of silence, he spoke first, “Fuck, I thought I’d lost you.”

“I thought I’d lost me, too.”

“You are ready and able to do beautiful things in this world and you’ll only really ever have two choices: love or fear. Choose love. And don’t ever let fear turn you against your playful heart.”

? Jim Carrey


I woke up to the sway of the boat, knowing we were well on our way. I joined him on deck, and his smile was devastating and welcomed. He pulled me into his arms as I looked around us. There was nothing but sea.

“How far off the coast are we?” I asked as he rubbed my nipples through my thin shirt with his thumbs, completely uninterested in my question.

“A few miles. We’ll stay close.”

I looked at the brightening horizon, excited about our trip, and for the first time, our future. I turned to Devin, who gave me an inquisitive look. “What?”

“Are you ready for your present?”

“Sure?” He lifted the question as he looked at my t-shirt and shorts, noticing I had nothing on me.

My gift didn’t have a damn thing to do with any material possession. It had nothing to do with the past or our history. It was no sentimental trinket that represented our time together. It had nothing to do with wealth or lack thereof. It was a simple thing, really. Just an honest reminder that no matter what the hell you’ve done, there is always a chance to make things right as long as you have breath in your lungs. My present to Devin was a new chance for us to start over, to live in the now without the burdens or guilt from what we’d done. I was sure he would declare me crazy when I announced my gift was “Monday.”


Anne Morrillo, my UK best friend. You pushy, pushy bugger! You are an amazing friend. Thanks for pushing me when you weren’t satisfied. Only you can get away with it because you know me so damn well, and when I have more to give you make sure to press it out of me. I love you for that.

Stacy Hahn, you are the epitome of what a friend should be. I’m sorry you got stuck with me (LOL). I would be so lost without you.

To my amazing PA’s Bex and Christy-Thank you so much for dealing with my shit and supporting me. You are my rocks.

Julie Kerchof (seriously, Julie, you make me happy), Lina Linalove, Cindy Gordanier, Robert Williamson, Heather Orgeron, Jessica Call, and the rest of mycrew., thank you so much. It’s just amazing to have you rocking my books daily. Your support means everything.

Christine from The Hype PR’s, thank you so much for teaching me the art of finesse, and for all of your amazing help.

Yamara Martinez, I’ll always need your brutal honesty and gentle way of holding my hand. You amaze me with your patience. I love you and thank you.

Daizy Zorman, you rock my socks off. Thank you for loving me and my dysfunction.

And to all the bloggers who have given this new series a chance and have taken the time to post a review, thank you so much. I really can’t believe how lucky I am.

For Malene Dich.