“And now you’ve seen all my colors.”

“Shut the fuck up, Aiden,” Devin hissed.

I looked at him and for the first time clearly saw his worry for me. Even though he was wounded, he stepped between Aiden and me.

Aiden chuckled, and not even the devil himself could have sounded more menacing.

“Ahhh, Devin, so guilty as well. And so busy trying not to let your dark side show, you let me have a second helping of her in the process. Imagine my surprise when after finding out about us, you didn’t confide in the woman you were so desperately trying to keep away from me.”

“Now she knows you’re the fucking boogeyman. Is that why you strung her along? You wanted this moment?” Devin was visibly shaking with rage. “Or is it because I wanted her?”

“The latter, maybe. You’ve found so much pleasure in ruining my fun. Though I could see why you were taken with her. She was a lot of fun.” Aiden winked at me, and I felt the bile rise.

“As of this moment, I’m done. I’m going to the governor and giving him a chance to expose this mess or I will. You’re still just that sad, little fucking boy that blames his useless father for his fucked up life. You’re a coward like he was, and I’m done trying to help you. Instead, I think I’ll end you.”

Aiden leaped for Devin, and I trained my gun on him, stepping forward.

“I’m really fucking close to pulling this trigger.” Aiden stopped his advance and looked at me as if to reassess the situation.

“You know, Nina, you have always been the wildcard. I liked that about you. You gave me a power few women of your stature would allow. It gave me hope.”

So many emotions ran through me, our time together, the way he looked at me, touched me. Jesus, how would I ever know the truth from a lie ever again? Fuck, this was insane. How in the hell could I’ve not known something was wrong with this man? He played me so easily and had skills beyond measure.

I’d been fucking Hannibal Lecter.

I let out a sad, hysterical laugh, shaking so badly I couldn’t grasp the world I now lived in. I re-gripped the gun as hot tears fell down my face. I knew this was the end of the road for what was left of my sanity. I couldn’t handle anymore. I tilted the gun at Aiden, who was finally taking me seriously.

“Stay away from me, both of you.”

“Does this mean I don’t get to meet the family?” Aiden said comically. He made a disappointed tsking sound and closed his kit as he wiped his chest, cleaning off the blood before slipping on a t-shirt.

“Nina, listen to me,” Devin said, watching Aiden with disgust. “We can leave. He won’t do anything.”

“He’s a fucking monster!”

“Nina, let’s go.” Devin held his hand out to me, but I couldn’t take it. “Fuck you.” It was half scream, half cry. “Jesus, you knew this? You knew he was doing this?!”

I began to back out of the shed with the gun pointed at both of them as they stood perfectly still, Devin’s composure falling, Aiden indifferent. I moved with my eyes glued to the door as I walked backward to the car, prepared to shoot my way out if I had to.

Once in my car, I sped away, driving erratically for miles before stopping outside of a busy McDonald’s. Suddenly exhausted from the adrenaline rush and not having any idea how to process, I simply screamed until I was hoarse and then everything went black.

“And we all know love is a glass which makes even a monster appear fascinating.”

? Alberto Moravia


I came to with a tap on my window. It was Cedric. Shooting up in the seat, I looked around me, recognizing where I was. I was safe, and Aiden was insane.

Aiden. Oh, GOD, AIDEN!

Rolling down my window, Cedric eyed my gun in the passenger seat.

“You didn’t check in. I was worried.”

“Well, I had a reason.” With the flick of his chin, he asked permission to join me in the car. I nodded, feeling my heart crack with thoughts of Devin. Was he okay? Did they hurt each other? Should I care?

“Pick up your gun?” He gestured at the shiny metal, and I placed it in my lap. “Okay, Nina, tell me what happened.”