“You trust me with the livelihood of your company. I need you to trust me for five more minutes.”

I nodded as the pain from my hip became impossible to ignore. I leaned against a vendor table, pretending to sift through hand woven scarves as the reality of what today had brought set in. As much as I hated to admit it, I should have taken Eileen’s threats more seriously. My brother was hurt, and for the first time in my life, I was afraid I wouldn’t live to see another day. No matter how brazen I’d been, I was now scared shitless.

Taylor returned minutes later, motioning for me to walk with her. I had her accompany me back to Carson then took the prescription for my medication out of my purse, asking him to fill it and pick me up in an hour. Taylor nodded in agreement with my timeline and walked me over to Henry’s House, a pub across the street from the market. I winced with every step as we made our way to the busy bar. It was too painful to sit, so I stood as she took a stool.

Once we’d both had a shot of something strong—whiskey, I think—and a beer in hand, Taylor turned to me. “Okay, so I think it’s time I explained a few things to you.”

I nodded, intrigued.

“I was raised in situations like this. I’m not afraid, and I don’t want you to be, either.”

I waited because I was still too absorbed in the situation and the pain in my side to reply.

“Tomorrow, we get you a permit, forty-eight hours later, a gun.”

“No,” I dismissed her suggestion, wincing at the pain seeping through my every limb. “Taylor, I’m not the type of woman—”

“Today made you that type of woman,” she deadpanned, and I nodded. “This might be shocking to you, and I get it, but from where I come from this is just another day in the park.”

“Where did you come from, Taylor?” I looked around the bar, fear creeping in as I thought about the fact that I might have been followed every minute of today, my new reality still impossible to fully grasp.

“Dirt and metal grass.”

“Always so cryptic,” I scorned as I looked right at her.

“Today’s not the day for my story.” She nodded over my shoulder. “Security is here. I want you to do what he tells you to, and I’ll pick you up tomorrow.”

“Taylor, I don’t know what to say.”

“You’re welcome, and it’s still my job, at least for the next few weeks. I’m glad it was me. I think this might have scared the new applicant.” She smiled, and I returned it half-heartedly.

“Is this really fucking happening?” I shook my head in disbelief as Taylor led me to my new saving grace.

“It is.” I looked in the direction she was heading and saw two men. One seemed to be waiting at the door for someone outside, and the other was looking right at us. I paused mid-step as I took him in, but Taylor gripped my arm, nudging me forward. “Nina, no matter what fuck up she hired, he can’t compete with this guy.”

He didn’t have an earpiece liked I’d expected, or a men-in-black suit on. His jeans were tattered, and his t-shirt was wrinkled and worn. His head was shaved smooth, and he was covered in tattoos. His knowing smirk at Taylor had me on edge.

“Nina, let him help.” I nodded as we approached. “I’m Cedric. I’ll take good care of you, Ms. Scott.” He extended his hand politely, despite his rugged appearance, and I accepted it, thankful for the help.

“Tomorrow,” Taylor reminded as she walked out of the bar, leaving me in Cedric’s hands.

“Ex-military, eight years, some Special Ops, and I’ve been guarding now for four years. You will sleep like a baby.” Even as he spit off his résumé, I doubted the truth of his words on my sleeping capabilities. “Thank you for coming on such short notice.” Nervously, I sputtered out the situation, giving him entirely too much information as we walked back through the market to await Carson.

“Did you tell the police?” he prompted.

“Yes, everything I’m telling you.” He couldn’t hide his smirk. “Might want to shorten the story in case there is a next time.”

“I’m sorry. I’m nervous. The wife, Eileen, she’s so well-known and respected in this city. I know it will be her word against mine. I just can’t imagine they will do a damn thing about it. And she knew it. It was pretty fucking bold of her to actually be there when it happened.”

“That kind of cockiness is sure to catch up with her at some point, but it’s also a good reason for you to take the precautions you are taking. I’ll be investigating this on my own, as well as cooperating with the police when needed. Do you have an issue with that?”

I shook my head no. My pain level had increased to ungodly as Carson finally pulled up. Cedric had kept me behind the brick building as we waited then guided me to the car as I told him I was going back to the hospital. He agreed it was for the best until they got a clear idea of the type of security I would need at my house. I slipped into the car and was surprised when he joined me.

“You and I will be spending a large amount of time together for the time being.” I had no choice but to agree. I had no idea what I was in for.

Carson eyed Cedric as he introduced himself. Carson’s reaction to the events of the day was nothing less than fatherly concern. He’d refused to take a much-needed vacation at my urging. He couldn’t hide his disappointment that I’d left him in the dark and he’d said as much on the way to the hospital. Cedric escorted me to the room but not before requesting Carson’s presence once he was parked.

And just like that, my whole life had gone from semi-fucked up to out of control with no end or relief in sight. Somewhere outside of the hospital walls, there were people possibly plotting my death. In the last few hours, my life had been completely turned upside down. And though I wanted to blame Devin, I knew this wasn’t his doing. Still, I prayed he’d really heard my words and stayed the hell away from me. And even as I thought it, my heart told me I’d die a thousand deaths to feel the way he made me feel this morning.