With Aiden, I would do better, try harder, attempt to make the intense sexual relationship into something more. I owed it to myself to be someone’s, not someone’s whore.

Aiden seemed to embrace my sexuality and handled it like a pro. I didn’t have time to worry if he would tire of me. I was busying myself with happy thoughts as I drifted to sleep while we texted each other.

“Where excess lies, usually someone had to give something up for the other to get it.”

? A.J. Darkholme



At seven sharp the next day, Carson and I pulled up as Aiden opened his front door. He turned to me as I was exiting the limo. He looked dashing in an old school, black, perfectly fitted tux and a bowtie. I damn near stumbled toward him in my new Jimmy Choos as he descended the stairs, doing a little dance reminiscent of some Broadway show and nailing it with ease.

The man was brilliant, beautiful, talented beyond words, and had a cock that could silence a porn star.

I sighed as he took my mouth in a kiss that promised me much more as the night progressed.

“You look beautiful, Nina.” He pulled my hands out as he admired my sea colored dress that hugged my body perfectly and flowed loosely from mid-thigh down. I wore my hair up and left my neck bare, but cuffed my wrist in diamonds. We slid into the cab of my town car as Carson drove toward the venue.

“You don’t mind slummin’ it with me tonight?” I asked as he kissed my palm.

“I’m a chameleon, baby. I can handle any situation.”

I quirked my brow. “I believe it.”

“I was raised knowing where the proper fork is. I did indeed have a mighty large silver spoon.”

“Tell me about your parents,” I asked, knowing a part of the answer. He stilled

my wandering hand on his thigh.

“My father died when I was young, my mother…I rarely hear from her.” He didn’t seem affected by it.

“That must be hard.” I pulled my feet up beneath me on the comfortable seat as I tuned in. He leaned back in his seat, straightening his already perfect bowtie.

Another dark expression, one I hadn’t seen before, crossed his features, but it wasn’t sadness. It looked like resentment. “My father killed himself. I never thought it bothered me, but I guess it stuck with me. I researched a lot about emotions and the human mind. That’s what got me interested in psychiatry. I was looking for answers.”

“Did you find them?” He nodded his head, looking out the window. “Yes and no. I got some insight, but in truth, he would be the only one who could truly answer them. My mother refused to speak of him.”

“I’m sorry, Aiden.”

“It was just a way for me to cope, I guess. I never really wanted to be a shrink.”

“You never really wanted to be anything, did you?” I laughed. “You have all these amazing talents, degrees, and you just…”

He leaned in with a grin. “To you, it’s a waste, but why? For money? You of all people know how tainted that point is.”

“I do,” I agreed wholeheartedly, but added, “You could be helping people with your expertise.”

“Point made, but, Nina, I’d rather lift them with music, not listen to them suffer. I’m not so sure there are magic words to help the human condition. But I’m beginning to think there are magic people.” He fingered my cheek as his molten brown eyes moved over my face. “You do things to me.”

Ignoring the intimacy of his statement, I opted for humor. “You do things to me, too,” I said on a laugh. “Pretty raunchy, Mr. Shrink. What would Freud say about the way you fuck?”

His grin set my heart racing. “He wouldn’t say anything. He would take notes and do the same to his woman.”

We laughed as the car slowed, and I pulled out my lipstick for a quick fix. “One hour and we are out of here. I’ll take you for a Happy Meal.”

He stilled my movement. “If you hate these things so much, why are you here?”