“What, no confession of love? No recited poems? Just a promise of defilement?” I said breathlessly.

“We both know you have an appetite, Nina. You just haven’t shown it to me yet,” he said.

“Why, sir, I don’t even know your age or your last name,” I said in mock offense.

“Come over and I’ll spell it out for you with my tongue,” he commanded.

I looked out my window as we approached my driveway and saw Devin standing next to his Audi, arms crossed. He was furious.

“Shit,” I said, breaking our playful mood.

“What is it?” he asked, concerned

“Irate ex stalking my house,” I said. “Hold that thought, okay?”

He was quiet for a beat then spoke quickly. “Where are you?”

“Pulling up to my house. My driver is with me. Don’t worry, Aiden, okay?”

“You can’t expect me to just sit here, Nina,” he said calmly, though he was anything but.

“Not your place, Aiden,” I said softly. “I’ll call you back.”

“Fuck,” he ground out. “Okay.” He hung up, and I knew our next conversation would go a little differently.

Carson pulled around, and I addressed him. “Carson, I would never ask you to put yourself in harm’s way, and I don’t think there will be an issue, but will you please just keep an eye out?”

“Say no more,” he said, eyeing Devin with disgust. No one liked the man.

I stepped out with a smile. “Devin,” I said in greeting.

“Where the fuck have you been? I told you I needed to talk to you!” He was beyond angry. In fact, I’d never seen him so upset.

“I’m here, talk,” I snapped. “And just so you know, you have no say now or ever in anything that goes on in my life, including knowing my whereabouts and who I’m fucking. We broke up, and we were never really together,” I said, looking up at him.

It still hurt. His deep blue eyes studied me.

“Nina, I don’t blame you for ending it. I don’t blame you for hating me, but this is important,” he pressed as he pulled me by the shoulders so I was standing closer to him.

“What?! Damn it, Devin, spit it out!” I said, exasperated.

“The land you saw today, you need to get rid of it. My firm has made an offer. We want to buy it back.” In his face, I saw fear quickly replaced by anger. “What the fuck were you doing there anyway?”

“That would be none of your business,” I said defiantly. “The land is not for sale.”

He jerked me up by my arms, bringing me close to his face. “Listen to me, sell it to me. I’ll pay double.”

“No.” I jerked my hand away. “What are you hiding, a dead body? I know that land has been sold and resold several times. What exactly is your issue with it?”

“You cannot own it, Nina. It’s dangerous for both of us,” he said, taking a cautious step toward me. “It belongs to Eileen’s family, and when she finds out I flipped it for a profit, and you are the current owner it will be hell for the both of us.”

“Oh, God, of course the wife.” I rolled my eyes. “So this is why you needed a few extra days?”

“Yes,” he hissed, bringing me closer to him. I looked up into his eyes and was immediately transfixed. Devin was beautiful in any mood, but especially when he was angry. It turned me on the most. A whispered thought of Aiden drifted through my mind, but I ignored it as the deep blue sea encompassed me. Devin leaned down and brushed his lips against mine, renewing my arousal.

Still a shark, Nina?

“Who you fuck is none of my business,” he said, digging his fingers into my shoulders. “I’ve lost you.”