“This property has an offer?” I said, pulling it up to get a better look on my monitor.

“Two now, actually. I researched it some, and it looks like it’s never been developed.” She looked at me just as puzzled. I scrutinized the picture and saw it was basically a riverfront patch of grass with a small shed that sat under an old Spanish moss covered tree.

The office phone rang, and Taylor answered as she sat across from me by pressing her headset. She looked at me and rolled her eyes, and I knew instantly it was Devin. I was in far too good of a mood to have him ruin it, but Devin rarely called without a purpose.

“Good morning, Mr. McIntyre,” I said as Taylor took her leave and shut the door behind her.

“Regretting your decision yet?”

“Sure am, I knew better than to pick up the phone,” I said dryly.

“I need to speak with you privately,” he said, as if he wasn’t alone. I could picture him now, staring out his office window in a perfectly tailored suit, ignoring some client vying for his attention.

“Sorry, I’m on my way to Savannah,” I said, texting Carson to bring the car around.

There was an extremely long pause before he replied. “Oh, what’s the reason?”

“Well, apparently I own some land there and have very interested buyers. You should know all about it, right? It was your purchase?”

“It was,” he replied sharply.

“Devin, what can I do for you?”

“Meet me right now. I can be at your office in twenty minutes.”

I sighed into the phone before replying, “No.”

“Listen to me, Nina. I need to talk to you, just wait there.” His tone was urgent and demanding.

“I don’t take orders from you anymore, Devin.” I hung up, not giving his silver tongue a chance to work its magic. I’d already been that fool.

There was no way in hell I was waiting for him. I gathered Taylor and minutes later we were on our way to Savannah.

“I called the realtor. She is meeting us there,” Taylor said, obviously miffed at having to waste a workday accompanying me.

“Perfect,” I said, pulling out my phone to answer my emails. Savannah was an hour and a half away from Charleston, and I was quite fond of the city. They were similar in origin and build, but very different in atmosphere. Savannah had always seemed a bit more mysterious to me.

Taylor and I spent the time in the car being productive. We poured over an endless list of things I had neglected in my last week. Feeling accomplished with what we’d done in the short amount of time, I let my gaze drift out the window. I saw nothing but the golden haired, amber-eyed, wet dream that was now consuming all my imagination.

A short time later, Carson announced we had arrived. When we exited the car, I was shocked at the complete understatement of the picture. We seemed to be on the outskirts of the city, and the deserted plot was absolutely gorgeous. Taylor’s audible “Wow” confirmed what I was thinking. The view of the Savannah River was remarkable, and the land was completely untouched. The only likeness between the picture and what we were seeing was the small shed sitting underneath a live oak tree dripping with Spanish moss.

I was absolutely taken with it.

This is not for sale.

“Hello, ladies,” a pretty blonde greeted as she walked toward us, hand outstretched. “Mrs. Scott?” She questioned.

“Ms.,” I answered, my hand grasping hers in reply. She nodded and turned to Taylor, extending the same courtesy as Taylor addressed her. “You must be Mrs. Volz.”

She nodded and shook Taylor’s hand. “Please call me Violet.”


“Well, I have to say, I have been curious about this place for a while now,” Violet said, surveying the land with us.

“Why is that?” I asked, intrigued.

“I have brokered the sale of this property six times in the last two years,” she answered, looking directly at me. “It always sells quickly and for a decent percentage more than the previous sale. No one has ever taken residence. I’ve always been a bit curious as to why, though the commission never hurt.” She winked.