I reached behind me to pull the zipper down on my pantsuit and found it was snagged. I started jumping around, back and forth, clenching my insides desperately as I tried over and over to work it down. This was bad. I was certain one more minute would have me mopping his floor.

After several minutes, I opened the door, calling for Aiden. He came to my aid with a laugh as I danced around like a lunatic.

“Please, hurry.” I exhaled, using all my willpower to keep from losing control.

“It’s stuck pretty bad,” he said, carefully trying to tug at the zipper. After a few attempts, I felt the dam about to burst.

“Please, Aiden,” I said, my voice in agony.

“Let me go get—”

“Bust it. Please rip it open. Seriously, please just rip the fucking thing open,” I begged. He laughed hysterically as I damn near started crying. He finally relented, busting the zipper and pulling it apart with his fingers. I thanked him by slamming the door in his face.

A few minutes later, while I was trying to get the scraps of my outfit around my body, Aiden cracked the door, tossing in a t-shirt and jogging pants. Once I was dressed, I braved my way back into the kitchen, my pantsuit no longer a clothing option.

Aiden was spooning out vegetables as he looked up at me. We both burst out laughing as he made his way toward me.

“Never a dull moment, Nina,” he said, taking my pantsuit from out of my hands and throwing it on the counter. He pulled me into his arms then picked up a piece of fajita meat and put it into my mouth.

“Oh, so good,” I mouthed around the bite.

He smiled as he released me to continue his task, but I stopped him by thrusting my hands into his hair and pulling him toward me. “Thank you,” I said softly before brushing my lips against his. I pulled back and watched the fire light in his eyes. We stood there staring at each other for a brief moment before Aiden finally took my lips in a kiss.

Finally…oh my God.

Aiden didn’t just kiss me, he disintegrated my planet. The minute his tongue swept my lips asking for permission, I gripped him to me, opening up as far as I could go so he could get his fill. Our tongues melded together perfectly, and I moaned into his mouth. He instantly lifted me to sit on the counter, never breaking our connection, only stoking the heat as he nestled himself between my parted legs. I moaned again as he ground himself against me, gripping my neck and pulling me closer to him. When he pulled away, we were both panting.

“Fuck, woman, why did you have to declare that you needed a nice guy last night?” he whispered as he leaned in again, taking me completely. I was on fire when he pulled away.

“I only said it to even the scales. Fuck me…right now.”

He froze then pulled away to study my face, quirking an eyebrow. “Interesting.”

“Aiden, just trust me on this,” I said, frustrated. “I’m not innocent.”

He gently lifted me from the counter and put me on my feet. “Let’s eat,” he said, grabbing a platter of food.

“Are you serious right now?” I asked, exasperated.

“Are you going to elaborate?” he asked quickly.

“No,” I responded firmly.

“Then let’s eat,” he said, pulling out a chair for me. I stalked over and took a seat. I wasn’t going to beg the man to fuck me.

He sat next to me and started to build his fajita, and I followed suit, watching him with curiosity. Did I have no effect on the man? I was still ready to combust.

“Would you be offended if I opted to go home this evening?” I asked, piling steak onto my tortilla.

More carbs, great.

“Absolutely,” he said, taking a mouthful without looking at me.

“And why is that?” I said testily.

He set his food down and turned to me, forearms on the table, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “Because, naughty girl, you aren’t throwing a fit with me. I won’t allow it. And I can’t take care of that ache between your thighs if you flee.”

This time my brow quirked as I watched his lips form into a full, panty-dropping, megawatt smile. I couldn’t help but mirror his expression.