“I thought so.” Taking a big bite of my sandwich, I moaned in appreciation.

Grant thought for a minute. “You know I screwed up like that once. I met a girl who absolutely blew my mind when I was younger. I took her on a few dates and then decided not to get serious. By the time I had figured out I was actually interested in her, I was put in the friend zone.”

“How long did that take?”

“Almost a year,” he said truthfully.

“Seriously?” I shook my head, condemning him.

“It wouldn’t have mattered. I didn’t find my match until Rose. I’ve never been more certain. Live and learn, you know?” We ate for a few minutes in silence.

“Can I be honest with you?” He put down his sandwich and looked to me with caution written all over his face.

“Of course, Grant.”

“Women put a ton of emphasis on things like birthdays, anniversaries, how he proposed, things that matter to them.”

“Okay, so?” I tilted my head and looked at him curiously.

“So men aren’t so much interested in things like that. I know I don’t see things that way. I know when I found Rose, I didn’t memorize what day it was. I didn’t give a shit what she was wearing. I knew I probably wouldn’t remember how she styled her hair ten years down the road. All I knew was that I was in love and that I had to have her. It takes the time it takes.”

“I know it seems like a petty argument, but I can’t seem to move past it. I’m trying to wrap my head around it. It just seems like I’m always the first to cave, like he’s always late to the party, like he’s always late…period,” I said, taking another bite of my sandwich.

“Exactly my point. How many times have you heard of a relationship going sour and the minute the woman begins to move on the man tries to step back in?”

“I just assume its jealousy, right? Like some territorial need to keep them hanging on?”

“Not necessarily.”

“Okay, brother, I’m all ears.” He smiled at my term and I felt my chest squeeze. I was elated for my sister.

“Do you feel the same way for him that you did seven years ago?”

I nodded a yes slowly. “God, even more I think.”

“To me, being a guy…from a guy’s point of view, that’s what matters most. I would think that’s all that matters to Dean.”

“I’m holding a grudge I have no right to hold. I’m mad at all the time we missed and I’m holding it against him. I hate that he was going to marry someone else.”

“Understandable, but you are counting anniversaries you’ve missed. He’s counting on a future with you.” I snapped my head up. “How do you know that?”

“How do you not? I saw the way he looks at you, Dallas. Everyone did.”

I said nothing as I stared at the sandwich knife in my hand. I smiled as Grant polished off his second one.

“Another one?”

“Yes, please,” he replied sweetly.

“Hell yes, brother. I’ll have one, too, then I’ll cut us a slice of pie.”

He rubbed his hands together, and I could see a softness cover his features before he spoke. “I love this, being here. Your family is amazing. I never thought I would find …” I saw a flash of pain cover his features and had to fight like hell to keep my tears from coming. “Anyway, I’m just so thankful.”

Grant had just lost his father a few months ago and had no one but Rose. I couldn’t imagine the pain he was feeling. I was thrilled this helped in some way, that he was now a new addition to our family.

“My parents love you, Grant. You and Rose are so happy. This is all good. I see good things for the two of you. I was so sorry to hear about your father. You can talk about him anytime you want.”

“He was a good man. Not a picture perfect father, but we were close. I imagine I was a handful. He was good to me. I’m blessed to have had him…I miss him.” He kept his voice low, as if it was the only way to keep his emotions in check. “Anyway, it was pancreatic cancer,” he said quickly. “It was slow and painful for him and a hellish nightmare for both of us. Rose is the only reason I smile at all now. I can’t even imagine how lost I would be if she hadn’t have been there.”