“Funny, really…I dated him for five years and he got engaged right after. I had a right to be a little crazy.”

“Yeah…he was a douche.”

“I thought it was love, but it wasn’t. It was a need to be the right girl for him. I just couldn’t understand why I wasn’t good enough, or how he could marry her.”

“I can totally relate to that.”

After a long minute and what I thought was the end of our conversation, Rose spoke up again.

“He emailed me,” Rose said quietly.

“Who, David?”


I sat up, turning on the light. Adjusting my eyes to the harsh bulb, I found her guilty eyes and glared at her.

“Before you flip your shit, you should know that I had NO IDEA what was going on. It started your sophomore year of high school. At first, he would just ask simple stuff about us. Then he started asking me about you.”

“And you didn’t think to tell me this!” Throwing the covers off my legs, I stood tapping my foot.

“I didn’t know you weren’t talking to him, too!”

“What the hell did you email about?”

“Like I said, he just asked me about you. It wasn’t all the time, once a month or every couple of months.”

“So you were the one reporting back to him? Great! I’m sure he got a kick out of that.”

“That’s not all.” Fear covered her features as dread coursed through my body.

“What is it, Rose?”

“He emailed me after you graduated,” she said, terrified of my reaction and pulling the covers closer to her.


“You were in Cabo with Cammie. I told him you were gone

to Cabo with that guy Patrick you were seeing.”

All the blood drained from my face.

“There’s more.” She was wringing her hands. “Before you kick me out—”

“Please just tell me,” I said quickly.

“I knew he had hurt you. I was trying to be a good sister. I just didn’t want him thinking you were sad.”


“I told him you were in love with Patrick and that you were probably going to get married.”

“Jesus, Rose!”

“I was trying to have your back. I had no idea. I know you would have done the same if David had come back after he’d hurt me that way. It wasn’t a secret when you ended things. Dallas, I promise I wasn’t trying to ruin your life.”

“You didn’t.”