“Tastes like home,” he said, sliding his fingers inside me as he sucked on my bundled nerves. I came in a hard rush, praising him and God simultaneously loud enough to wake my entire condo complex.

He finished his praise by sucking my folds leisurely as the last of my shudders subsided.

“I’m going to take you hard. Hold on to me,” he warned before moving up my body, rolling me onto my stomach, and gripping my shoulders. In one breath-stealing thrust, he was buried inside me to the root. He began to roll his hips, his movements sending me spiraling toward the edge. He took me deep as he whispered into my ear before sinking his teeth into my shoulder. I came again instantly, bucking underneath him. Turning me back over and pulling me to the edge of the bed, he molded my body to his touch, praising me as he gave himself to me. “I’m the last man that will ever have you,” he promised with every thrust before giving in and burying his head in my chest.

Sleeping with Dean was inevitable. How amazing it was made me even more terrified, but at the same time, I was elated he still wanted me that way and no other. He’d said all the things I wanted to hear. And though my head gave me warning with every word I recalled, my heart resumed its loyal place, filled with all things Dean Martin.

I could’ve stayed in bed and pressed repeat but I wanted to think about him and crave him before we went any further. I thought I would be elated with having him back in my life in a more intimate way. I was beyond that. I felt new.

I felt like I was breathing again.

I had to at least try to enjoy the moment, even if deep down some part of me would always believe our happiness wouldn’t last. I didn’t want to be the pathetic case that had clung to him crying last night. I’d come a hell of a long way from that girl and I owed it to myself to show him who I was now.

I was hesitant to think about a possible future with him. For the first time in a very long time, I just wanted to let myself feel the way I used to with him. Last night was a great start. He’d exhausted me until I fell into a deep sleep. I’d only woken up when he pulled me to him and murmured “Dallas,” in his slumber.

I dressed quickly the next morning, leaving a sleeping Dean with a note. I had lab results waiting and I honestly thought there was nothing worse than being the person who was waiting on them. I wanted the way I treated my new patients to go above and beyond what was expected instead of just a simple diagnosis and course of action. I wanted to be heavily involved in their treatment and aftercare. I wanted to take a step further away from the gray area.

My confidence and smile was short lived when I received the results of Mrs. Tanner’s biopsy. I did a consult with two other oncologists before letting her know we had a long road and the well-rehearsed speech of getting her affairs in order.

“Only a sadist would go into this field,” I said to myself as I took a break on the smoking deck away from the cold temperatures of the hospital. I let the sun warm my face, rubbing my shoulders to get the chill out as Dean walked out to join me, not giving me a chance to greet him.

“What the hell were you thinking leaving me alone like that?”

“Good morning to you, too,” I said cheerfully.

“Way to go, Martin?”

“Okay, maybe the note was a bit tacky,” I said. “At least I made you coffee.”

“It’s not funny,” he said standing in front of me, clear hurt running through his beautiful features, the memory of his lips on every surface of my body coming back in waves.

“Stop acting like a scorned whore,” I scolded. “I had to get to work,” I said, hopping onto the railing to sit as he paced in front of me. “And I told you I wanted to take things slow,” I reminded him.

“Stop acting like a catty female. This isn’t cool. What happened last night was amazing, we reconnected.”

“Look, spare me the lecture. I was happy about it until you came barreling out here with your feelings,” I said smugly. His head snapped up in anger and he didn’t hesitate before gripping my throat, pressing his lips to mine. I moaned into him and captured his tongue as he took my mouth completely, leaving me panting and breathless.

“Deny it all you want, Dallas.” He backed away, glancing behind me before pushing me over the railing. I screamed out in a panic until I landed in the hedge directly behind me.

He leaned over as I thrashed all my limbs, his brows lifted in challenge. “Obviously, I need to do a better job of screwing some sense into you.” He walked out of my line of sight, and I heard him exclaim, “Rose!”

“Dean,” she piped happily as I struggled to hoist myself back up, my legs still hooked over the railing.

“Damn it, you idiots, help me up!” I screamed. I heard Dean chuckle as they continued to make small talk while I struggled like hell to lift myself up. What seemed like an eternity later, Rose popped her head over and laughed hysterically, trying to push her words out. “You rang?”

“Help me up or so help me God, I’ll wear a fluffy, fuchsia Cinderella dress and start the chicken dance at your wedding.”

“I’ll see you later, Dallas,” Dean shouted as if I were far away. “I’ll see you soon, Rose.”

I started to scream. “You bas—”

“He’s gone,” she said as she pulled me to my feet.

“I hate that man, I swear,” I said, my blood draining from my head back into my limbs.

“I can tell,” she cooed. “Looks like you two are back to the norm.”

“Seriously, what grown man pushes