The next twenty minutes were an exchange of ‘remember that time’…as Dean and I stood there, humoring their reunion by smiling and nodding. Josh held me closely, entertaining her and eyeing Dean and I at the same time. Apparently, they had been high school sweethearts and it was almost impossible to stop my gag when she called him ‘Joshy’.

“You look beautiful,” Dean offered as I ripped away from Josh’s side to order another martini. I was going to pay like hell for this tomorrow. “Thanks, Dean.” I said dryly doing whatever I could to discourage him.

“He hates me,” Dean observed, his breath hitting my ear with his admission. Josh’s watchful eyes darted over to us and I damn near jumped out of my skin until Dean grabbed his drink from the bar next to me and pulled back. “He should hate me,” Dean said, amused as he took a long pull of his scotch.

I turned on him, my words full of spite. “And why is that, because you had your tongue in my mouth this morning?” I said casually so those around us wouldn’t catch on.

“No, because I want it in your mouth right now. Tell me, Dallas, did he kiss you as well on that dance floor as I did earlier?” My mouth dried quickly as I choked down a sip of vodka.

“Go to hell,” I said, furious.

“You’re drunk.” He chuckled as he studied me. I took a few swallows of my drink despite him.

“We aren’t kids anymore, Dean. Did it ever occur to you I might just be kissing him for my own benefit?” I said, eyes wide and mocking, my mini me putting up her boxing gloves in the corner of my mind. My vagina screamed at me that I wouldn’t feel a thing tonight, or any night if I didn’t stop drinking.

“No,” he answered quickly, “you never really have played fair, have you?” His voice was filled with ice as I looked over to see Miranda inching closer to Josh.

“Your date is getting awful cozy with my boyfriend, Dean,” I noted as he kept his focus on me.

“I didn’t come with her,” he admitted easily.

“Oh,” I said absently, the pressure in my head easing slightly. It was official, I was hitting the inevitable wall one hits when they have had an asinine amount of vodka. I was going down, and I was going fast.

“Well, just so you know,” I said, my head now resembling what I was sure was a bobble head, “I hate that your home. I hate that you’re here,” I hissed as I pushed his chest with my finger. “You are the same arrogant, conceited, imposing bastard you have always been. And this whole thing you do with everyone around you, like you’re some gift…makes me sick,” I slurred as his eyebrows rose higher and higher with every word.

“Wow, tell me how you really feel,” he said, taking my martini out of my hand and setting it on the bar next to me.

“You are not everything you think you are…You…hurt,” I said shakily. “You hurt the people who care about you.”

I watched his face fall as he took in my words. “What are you going to do when she falls for you, Dean? Huh?” I pointed to Miranda. “Let her down gently? Are you going to abandon her when she declares her love? Is that what you did to your fiancée?”

“Yep, you’re wasted,” he said, motioning for Josh.

“And I’m right,” I snapped, motioning for Josh myself. He came quickly.

“Go get the car. I’ll bring her to you,” Dean said as Josh approached.

“What’s going on?” he demanded as he looked my way. I shrugged my shoulders and had to take a step back and lean against the bar to keep from falling to my knees.

“Oh, shit, babe,” he looked at Dean for a second, as if he was going to argue but then told him. “She won’t last much longer. Don’t let them see her like this. Give me four minutes.” Dean nodded as I turned to address him.

“Really, I’m fine—”

Dean grabbed my arm and started walking. I followed him, determined to make it to the hotel entrance. This was…bad.

“Fuck, Dally, I don’t think I’ve ever been so pissed off at you,” he hissed in my ear as we passed through the ballroom doors. “I’ll forgive you for what you said to me…eventually. But what the hell do you really know?”

“I know you want what you can’t have,” I said heatedly as he came to a halt in the lobby.

He moved in front of me then pulled me to his chest, his face twisted in fury as my head began to spin. I sucked in a breath at the intensity of his stare. He was close, too close. His eyes burned into me, making my lips part on a silent gasp. He towered over me as I felt his body tremble in anger. I studied his strong dark brows, perfectly sculpted face, and full lips. I wanted him in that moment more than I wanted anything in a long time. “I’m going to make up my mind on exactly how much of this shit I intend t

o swallow, and I have a feeling it won’t be much more.”

I ripped myself away from his embrace. He refused my retreat, grabbing my arms and holding them behind my back with one hand, his lips inches from mine, his stare murderous. A slow burn started inside me and quickly spread as I watched him. His expression turned smug as he read my reaction to him. I twisted against him, my body betraying me. Angry with the sudden need to give in, I quickly started rambling. “Do yourself a favor, old buddy. Go fu—”

He pressed his fingers to my mouth, muting my words. “You loved me once, Dallas Whitaker. You loved me and I loved you.” His eyes beckoned me for acknowledgement, and when I remained quiet, he cursed, dragged me outside, and practically threw me in Josh’s passenger seat.

“Have a great night, Dally. It was memorable,” Dean said, leaning over me to buckle my seat belt. Tears threatened as I inhaled his scent and studied his profile, every fiber of my being leaning in toward him. He addressed Josh next. “She’s all yours,” he bit out before glaring at me again, slamming my door before heading back inside. The next few hours were a blur of porcelain and cold showers and then I finally got to drift to the place I’d been praying to visit all day: darkness.