“They did a great job,” Josh noted of the décor and catering. One of our first dates had been attending this same event last year. We’d had a great time and left barely clothed and racing to his apartment. We never went to sleep. Tonight I could barely look at him without feeling guilty for the kiss I had participated in. I was a lot of things, but I was not a cheater…well, until that morning. I had kissed him back. And I would never recover from the way it felt.

“Dallas,” I heard Beatrice address me and turned to smile at her, catching a glimpse of Dean behind her. He was looking right at me as I caught his gaze at a table adjacent to the bar. Miranda was planted next to him, whispering in his ear. He looked breathtaking in a classic black tuxedo. I quickly greeted Beatrice back and threw my arms around her awkwardly. She was a saving grace as she hugged me back fiercely with a chuckle.

“Still pretending you don’t care, huh, baby?” she whispered in my ear as I backed away and changed the subject. “Beatrice, you know Josh,” I murmured, looking up to see his eyes connected with Dean’s. Josh hadn’t missed his eyes on me. His glare was apparent and I nudged him when he didn’t reply.

“Beatrice,” he said, a forced smile crossing his lips before shifting his gaze away from Dean to look at her, “you look beautiful.”

She looked up at him and waved off his compliment. “This old dress has seen better days.”

“Are you here with anyone?” I asked, though the answer was obvious.

“No, my Roy died a few years back. Heart attack. He was too young,” she said sadly. “I always told him if he died on me before we hit thirty years, I was a free agent, and wouldn’t you know he died three days before our anniversary. Men …” She chuckled softly as I studied her masked pain.

“What are you having?” Josh asked as he waved to the bartender.

“What any woman has at these fancy things: champagne.” She winked at him as he busied himself with her order.

“My, my, my child, I see number one is looking pretty damn good tonight. Now where is number two.” She quickly skimmed the crowd until her eyes landed on Dean. “What I wouldn’t give to be in your predicament. Those two could eat crackers in my bed anytime.” I spit out a small amount of martini as I laughed loudly. “Beatrice!” I scolded, half-heartedly. “What in the hell, woman! Aren’t these two a little different than your taste?” I said carefully.

“Honey, I love me a good, strong white man with a bad attitude. You’ve never seen a picture of my Roy.” She laughed, wrapping her arm around me. “When you’re done with this one here, let a sister know,” she teased as she grabbed the champagne from Josh and winked at him.

Beatrice is a cougar and a freak. Who knew?

“What are you two talking about?” Josh said, wrapping his arm around my waist as I stood up to start our mingling. Technically, we were obligated to do more than enjoy the free food and drinks. We were expected to engage in conversation to try to get more donations. I gripped Beatrice’s arm. “You coming with me?”

“Hell no. I only get invited to these damn things because they want to make it known the hospital is diverse in their hiring.”

“Surely you don’t think th—”

“The hell I don’t,” she said before taking a sip of champagne. “Some things never change, baby, but I’m on this ride until the end. Now go away so I can find me a white, hot, rich man to keep me company. You’re cramping my style.” I looked up to Josh, who shook his head, smiling. He grabbed my elbow to lead the way. We spent the better part of the next hour talking to several possible contributors. I spotted Dr. Pierce, who gave me a brief smile and a nod before turning back to his conversation. I wondered how that was going and if the person on the other end of it was inwardly cringing.

Another bout of laughter brought my attention to Dean’s table. I rolled my eyes at the amount of people gathered there. It was like high school and college all over again. But now, in the scenario where he was amongst my peers, I was infuriated. It was the same pattern: woman fawning all over him. His declaration that he wanted me to be his. History was repeating itself, and I was determined to change that. I circled the room furiously, rallying donations and refusing to join in with the table that seemed to be having the most fun. Josh grabbed my hand and led me to the dance floor, and I wrapped my arms around him tightly, refusing to look anywhere but at him.

“You are not having a good time. Why don’t we just leave?” I looked up to see him studying me. He seemed irritated, and I couldn’t help my aggravation.

“It’s a work thing. It’s not supposed to be fun,” I said crossly.

“Babe, look, you’ve been on edge all day. You’ve swallowed more vodka tonight than you should be able to handle. It wasn’t like this last year,” he said, leaning in, wrapping his arms low on my waist, his thumb sliding back and forth across my bare back. I leaned in and kissed him. It wasn’t a light kiss. I gave it my all as I thrust my tongue into his mouth, feeling him respond immediately with his. The couples were entertained with their own dancing, but I could not have cared less if the world saw us. Josh and I were good together, really good. I needed to see it. I needed to feel it. When our kiss ended, Josh pulled away, his eyes dancing and his erection brushing against my stomach.

“You better back that up when we get home,” he warned as he leaned in again. “I can’t even tell you how good you feel. How much I want you.” I nodded as he whispered the words to me and tears sprang to my eyes. I held him close so he couldn’t see and faked a laugh so anyone watching wouldn’t have a clue that I was falling apart inside. When the song was over, Josh led me back to the bar.

“One more?” he asked with a laugh. “Are you sure you can handle it?” I nodded, no longer able to keep from scanning the crowd. I spotted Beatrice on the dance floor with a younger attractive man and burst out laughing at how odd they looked.

“What’s so funny?” Dean said, stepping into my line of vision and filling it with his tux-clad body. On his right stood Miranda, who looked beautiful in a floor length black gown, and was studying him as if he hung the moon.

“Miranda, Dean, how are you? Having fun?” I inquired, thankful when Josh was almost instantly by my side, handing me a fresh martini.

“Here, babe,” he interrupted, holding me tightly to him.

“We are. How are you, Josh?” Dean replied extending his hand. Josh stiffened next to me but didn’t hesitate to shake it. “I’m good Dean, thanks.”

“Joshua Stephenson!” Miranda exclaimed in a squeak. Josh studied her briefly before beaming a smile of recognition her way. “Miranda, how are you?”

They both looked incredulous, and I knew then they had a history. I rolled my eyes, downing my martini, and saw Dean’s lips curl into a sly grin as he gauged my reaction.

“It’s been…my God, how long has it been?” she said, wrapping her claws around my boyfriend and planting a firm kiss on his lips. I took a step away as they studied each other and started to reminisce. I shook my head at the ceiling of the ballroom.

Son of a bitch!