I pulled up the drive to our two-story home and unbuckled Tucker just as Jack stepped outside.

“You’re off early.” I smiled at my husband as he greeted us at the door.

“I need my two minutes,” he said as he pulled me into his arms and ravaged my mouth.

“I have surgery,” I said as he let me go with a shrug.

“I’ll take you, then,” he said to Tucker who squealed as Jack lifted him.

“So easily replaced,” I said as I made my way back to my truck.

“Never,” Jack said as he looked at me, his lips to his son’s forehead.

“I love you,” I said as I jumped into my truck.

They both waved as I backed out of the drive. I had a day full of surgeries, but deep down I wanted nothing more than to go back to my house and give Jack that extra minute.

I arrived at the center then made my way inside, noting the bustle of employees. I noticed Dallas and greeted her with a brief hug.

“Surgery?” she asked.

“Four,” I said as she gave me a nod and a pat on the back. “You’ve got this.”

“Love you,” I said as I made my way to scrub in. I looked into the room in front of me and noticed two extra bodies in scrubs. I walked in with my hands up as Jamie approached me with surgical gloves.

“Uh, Jamie,” I said as I looked over at her with a question in my eyes.

“Dr. Whittaker,” I heard from the table. “I didn’t expect you today.”

“Dr. McGuire?” I said in total confusion as Jules looked up at me. She simply shrugged as she glanced at Jamie with a smile.

“What’s going on here?”

“Well,” Dr. McGuire said in his usual no bullshit tone, “I have a tumor to remove and all the staff I need, so from the looks of it, Whittaker, I’d say your presence isn’t needed. You are dismissed.”

“Pardon?” I said as I took another step into the room.

“I have three more surgeries after this, Whittaker, so if you don’t mind… If you have an issue, I suggest you check with your administrator.”

“I am the administrator,” I said, feeling as if I’d just stepped into the Twilight Zone.

“Dismissed, Whittaker. Go live a little.” I looked to McGuire whose wrinkled face suddenly twisted into an expression I’d never seen. The son of a bitch had just smiled at me. Completely baffled, I exited the operating room in search of my sister, who was waiting on the other side of the door with her arms crossed.

“You know he’s capable, right? I mean, he is your mentor.”

“What in the hell is going on?” I snapped as she hooked her arm into mine and led me to the entrance of the clinic. When we walked out of the double doors, Dean was waiting at his car with the passenger door open, Tucker, Grant, and Annabelle in tow.

“Dean?” I asked as Dallas shoved me into the front seat of his car and shut the doors.

“Big hug,” Tucker said as I leaned down and he squeezed me hard then kissed my cheek. “Bye, Mommy,” Tucker added as Dallas whisked them inside with a wink in my direction.

My eyes narrowed as I studied Dean, who wore an expression that told me he would be castrated if he spoke a word. I quickly texted my husband.

Rose: I’m being kidnapped!

Jack: Well, I’ll miss you.

Rose: This isn’t funny. What the hell is going on?