“Hey, baby!” I danced her around in circles with her pants halfway down as she pushed me off in irritation.

“The hell? Didn’t you just get your ass handed to you in surgery?”

“Yes!” I said with wide eyes and enthusiasm. “Are you the tattle?”

“Nope, it was the surgical tech, Christine.”

“Let’s take her out with us next time,” I said, still reeling and high.

“Yeah, sure,” Jules said, pulling on a t-shirt and giving me an odd look. “Considering we go out maybe twice a year, which annual event will we invite her to? What’s up with you?”

Realization crossed her features as she gave me a nod. “He’s back?”

“He’s outside,” I said, stuffing my backpack full of dirty scrubs and making sure I had everything I needed. “I’m on call tomorrow. Make sure they don’t call me.”

“And how the hell am I supposed to manage that?”

“You’re Jules, do your Juju,” I piped back as I headed toward the door. “I have a day full of interviews. I have to be home.”

“Uh huh,” she said suspiciously. “Okay, but if I don’t get a play by play—”

“Oh, you won’t,” I assured.

“Then what’s in it for me?”

“A job at my center making more than you will ever here, paid vacation, and holidays.”

Jules sat on the bench, almost missing it in her shock.

“You knew I would offer it, no interview necessary.” I winked as I walked out the door, backpack full and my feet way too heavy. “And don’t tell Jamie. I’m offering her the same next shift.”

I heard a hearty “I love you!” come from the locker room as I made my way down the hall and saw Dr. Hanson visibly cringe when I came into view. I gave him a Texas sized smile as I drifted past him and out the door. At the entrance, I looked up to see Jack perched on his bike and smiling in my direction. My stomach fluttered as elation hit me at the sight of him. All that there was to feel I felt for him, and with him. He’d become a need for me, a want, and a hope.

At that moment, I concluded that he deserved everything I had to give, and I would let him know the minute he let me.

Alive with excitement, I’d hastily agreed to ride with him, thinking I could handle the twenty minutes back to the center. My excitement turned into terror as we were narrowly missed by an SUV then hit a line of traffic passing a fatal accident. I stared at the battered vehicles as I gripped Jack to me and felt the terror race through my veins.

“Doesn’t look good,” I heard Jack note as I remained frozen and plastered to his back. His voice was distant, and I wanted nothing more than to beg him to pull over, but fear overtook me and soon we were back on the dangerous stretch of highway. No amount of breath play or thought change could erase the budding panic inside me. I was in a full-fledged attack as we made it the last few miles to the center. Once parked, I quickly dismounted the bike, tore off my helmet, and threw it on the grass next to Jack’s foot.

“I don’t ever want you on this damned thing again,” I declared with authority. “Ever!”

“Kind of hard to take you seriously when you look like Don King, baby.” Jack chuckled as he pointed to my roof of frazzled hair. I pulled the ratted mess into a bun and went back in as he put the kickstand down and joined me on the sidewalk.

“Jack, I’m begging you,” I said seriously. “You can have my car. Please don’t ride that thing anymore, at least not on I-20 or I-35 or 635 or anywhere. God, I hate it.”

“As I recall, that bike has been nothing but good to you,” he joked.

Chest pounding, I didn’t so much as blink until I was sure he could see just how serious I was.

“I’m asking you as your… whatever I am to you, not to ride that bike here anymore. And if you care about me, ever.”

“You’re really serious?” he asked, finally noting the panic on my face.

“I am. I won’t ask for anything else from you, I promise. I can’t handle it.”

“You can ask me for anything you want,” he assured me, looking back at his bike. “If that’s the way you really feel—”

“It is,” I said with finality. “I’m sorry. I know it’s a lot to ask.” I studied his face as my heart continued to pound out of control. Jack studied me right back with confusion, and I stepped forward again to plead my case, but he stopped me.