“You are wicked,” I said with a conspiratorial smile before asking the question on the tip of my tongue. “What do you believe, Jack?”

“No, no way, not tonight,” he said, cutting the air between us with his hand.

“And why is that?” I asked as I closed the space between us and planted a suggestive tongue-filled kiss on his neck. Jack let me explore him but stopped my hand just as it reached the hard bulge in his pants. He wrapped my sweat-dampened hair in his hand and pulled it tightly, forcing my lips from his neck.

With heat in his eyes and lust in his voice, he gave me the only answer I could want. “Because you’ve got a body full of sin, beb, and tonight I want to be your only redeemer.”

“Earth to Rose,” Jules spouted as I sat with my sneaker in my lap, replaying the marathon of breath-stealing moments that followed that night.

“I hate you.” She sighed as she took a seat next to me on the bench. “But I’m happy for you.”

“Me too,” Jamie said as she eyed me from her open locker. “Even though we are the ones actively looking for a man while you hide in this hospital. Even though he practically fell in your lap while we suffer awkward dates. Even though we have to deal with the SPAM eaters of the wor—”

“Shut up, Jamie. Don’t be jealous. It’s bad karma,” Jules snapped. “And we need good Juju for tonight.”

I looked between them with a smile. “What’s tonight?”

“Want to come?” Jamie asked, taking the bench opposite of us. I smirked at her polka dot covered scrubs. The girl refused to wear anything without color. “We’re going to the Stockyards. Jules is ready to find a new cowboy.”

My grin broadened as I declined. “No, I was just there, actually. Jack took me dancing.”

Jules looked heavenward as she scrubbed her face. “Of course he did.”

“Now you sound jealous,” I said as I scowled at her while I laced my shoe.

“I am, and so in punishment, we’re Ubering it to your place when we strike out tonight so you can share in our agony. So have Advil and something greasy ready for consumption. I’m exhausted from adulting and need to be free of these shackles.”

“Fine,” I said with a laugh and then scanned them both with hopeful eyes. “But what if you don’t strike out?” I dodged Jamie’s bra as she threw it at me, followed by Jules’ heavy brush.

Warding off the assault of toiletries being hurled at me, I waved my white flag. “Fine, I’ll be ready, but do me the honor of warning me ladies, okay? I may not be alone.”

“I thought Jack was in Lubbock?”

“He is—” I sighed “—but he’s supposed to be back tonight or tomorrow, job permitting.”

“I guess,” Jules said, approaching me and looking ten feet tall though she barely cleared my chin, “we should be flattered you would push him aside for a night ender with us.”

“Yes, you should be,” I said, recalling the nights I’ve missed with my sister since Dean became her priority, “but you were here first.”

“See this, this right here is why I like her,” Jules said pointedly at Jamie.

“I was on a date,” Jamie defended as they resumed an argument I wasn’t familiar with. I left them to their squawking as a text came through.

Jennifer: I’m pregnant again! I hate him!

I laughed hard as I made my way to the break room to down some last minute coffee. I sat back in the empty room as I replied.

Rose: Congrats ?

Jennifer: I can see your evil smile from California, jerk. Think you might find time to meet one of them before I have a litter and can’t distinguish names?

I felt a wave of guilt cross over me as I thought of how much time had passed since I’d seen her. I’d almost missed her wedding several months after Grant’s death in a bout of pure selfishness. I’d pushed through, and was thankful for it, because Jennifer had been there for me the majority of my adult life. I doubt she would have forgiven me.

Rose: A weekend after we open the center. I promise.

Jennifer: Please. I still need to know you. I love you, bitch.

Rose: Love you too.