Our skin slick with sweat, Jack pulled away from me, turning me over again and lying next to me before he pulled me onto his lap. We stared at each other, breaths heavy, and hunger peaked to new heights. Unable to resist, I lifted my hips and Jack gripped them, bringing me forward, my knees at his head. With the first brush of his tongue, I screamed out again and braced myself on the headboard above him. He devoured me without apology, his greedy tongue worshipping me. In control, Jack gripped my hips and moved them on my behalf as he brushed my slick center over his mouth.

I completely let go as I watched him lick me until my body submitted and shuddered around him. Easing me back down on his lap, I hovered above him. Jack pushed inside of me slowly as I let my weight carry me down until we felt out bodies click. Mouth parted and impossibly full, I looked down to him, helpless and in love with the feel of him. It was too much, way too much, and not enough all at once. I had no words, no thought, just his name, his name and those damned beautiful eyes that continued to pierce me. We stayed that way for endless minutes, connected in mouth and movement until we both spilled over with wordless cries.

When I finally had the strength to lift myself away from him, I heard his harsh “stay” as he left me on the mattress and returned with a cool washcloth to clean us both. Once satisfied, he laid down next to me, cradling my body, and I wrapped my leg around his torso.

“We’ve never used a condom,” he said as he looked down at me with concern.

“I have one in my purse, several actually,” I said as I buried my face into his chest in shame. “I’m on birth control, have been for over half my life.”

“I think we’re okay,” he said, staring down at me. “I don’t sleep around. I don’t have anything to worry about.”

“I think you do,” I said, jutting my eyes down to the largest soft shell I’d ever seen in my life before I gripped it tightly.

Jack pulled my hand away with a slight curl of his lips. “Did I hurt you?”

“No,” I said with a light kiss to his chest. “I love the way you feel.”

He gripped my hair tight and tilted my head so that his mouth was to my ear. “Being inside you is the best I’ve ever felt. Don’t hide from me anymore. I hated it.”

I nodded into his chest. “I’m sorry. I hated it, too,” I confessed.

“You have nothing to be afraid of with me. I can only prove it to you if you let me.”

I pressed my lips to his in another silent apology. When I pulled back, I noticed my book on his nightstand and picked it up. “You probably haven’t read a page.”

“I was waiting to read it to you.”

I leaned back and gave him an odd look.

“Aren’t you bored here? I mean, for someone who spends fifty percent of his year traveling, aren’t you losing your damned mind in nowhere Texas?”

“No, I’m pretty occupied at the moment,” he said as he slid a hand over my bare ass.

“I don’t understand you. You really aren’t like… anyone.”

“Then you understand me,” he whispered before drawing my mouth into a long kiss, a kiss that lasted through two more orgasms.


I spent the night reading to her and making her come. I spent a majority of the morning watching her sleep. I’d had not a wink of it and was determined to keep it that way until she left my arms. I traced her spine with my fingertips, and she sank further into me. She’d come to me last night a woman full of desire, a woman afraid to ask for what she wanted. I didn’t make it easy for her, but I’d made it up to her in multiples. I needed her in this… thing. I’d only wanted her to show me.

Her question was valid. What in the hell was I doing in nowhere Texas when I could be anywhere else in the world?

But the answer had asked the question.

I couldn’t tell her that. Even though I saw a new softness in her eyes when she looked at me and said my name, I knew better. She was holding out, holding back. As much as I embraced our new relationship, I knew it scared her. She’d been hurt, that much was evident, but by whom? Jealously raced through me as I thought of who could’ve possibly hurt this woman. I was sure it wasn’t that spineless dick in the bar. She hadn’t been affected by him in the least. She was better than him.

She was incredible… and still a mystery to me. Most women who graced my bed were, and yet I never asked the questions.

“If a two-year-old can chain smoke and run the streets of the Philippines, you can get out of bed, Rose.”

I turned over to see Rose’s eyes open and widen when she realized she was in bed with me. I burst out in incredulous laughter as I looked her over. She buried her head into her pillow in embarrassment. Still chuckling and more than curious, I pulled the pillow from her grip until she was forced to give it up and look my way.

“Explain, lady, or you aren’t leaving this bed.”

I could barely see her green eyes as she peered at me through a sea of auburn hair. She looked beautiful in the sun-kissed room.

She pushed her hair out of the way as she smiled at me fully. It stole my breath. “Okay, so I give myself a little encouragement to get out of bed in the morning.”