After a brief moment, I bit my lip as he pushed in, the burn of his size overpowering. Jack looked down at me and I reached up, gripped his full ass, and pulled him closer.

“Rose,” he pushed out, his voice thick, “don’t. I won’t be able to stop,” he groaned out.

“Yes,” I whispered as he pressed in inch by inch as the burn fled and sensation consumed me. When he was fully seated inside me, we stared at each other, eyes glazed and mouths parted. With his first thrust, I lost myself completely.

“Jack, oh my God, Jack!”

Jack’s mouth collided with mine as we expressed in a kiss what we both felt. We were lost in our connection as Jack pressed in and my eager body gripped him. Sensation overwhelmed us both as we praised each other with lips and hands.

Jack broke from me and looked down to where we connected. I followed his eyes, watching where we were merged so intimately, and was mesmerized. He gently rolled his body, and I spread my legs wider to accommodate him. I gripped his biceps and held on as pleasure filled my every limb, fire and electricity racing through every nerve. His pace still slow, he filled me full as he began to bury the whole of himself to the hilt with each stroke. His head descended as he drew each of my breasts into his mouth for a long leisurely kiss while I gently caressed his arms with my fingernails.

Jack shifted again, and my whole body tensed in submission to the movement of his hips.

“Hold on,” he grunted out as I finally became comfortable enough to wrap my legs around his body. He leaned in, sipped my lips, and pulled back only an inch from my face. Nose to nose he stroked my cheeks with gentle hands as he slowly made love to me.

It wasn’t at all how I pictured it would be. In my mind, I saw raw, sweaty, animal sex.

This was far beyond anything I’d imagined and so much fucking better.

Unable to hold on

any longer, just staring at him enough to make my body buckle, I pressed a gentle kiss to his lips.

“Jack,” I breathed in warning as he swiveled his hips again, sending me spiraling.

“Come on me, baby.”

Everything shook from head to toe. I let the release overtake me as Jack watched me fall apart around him. Fast breaths, words that had no meaning, all escaped me in the time it lasted. I’d never been so full, so completely… full.

Jack thrust his hands in my hair and brought my neck to his lips as he bit and then gently sucked. I gripped him harder than ever to me as I continued to break with his name on my lips.

Minutes later, he came with my name on his.

I woke up in his arms what seemed like hours later and smiled as I watched him reading my book. His chest still bare, I scanned his body and admired him in his black boxer briefs. Slightly embarrassed about being bare myself, aside from the panties I’d slipped on immediately after we’d had sex. I moved to grab my clothes.

“Don’t you dare. We stay naked in the meadow,” he ordered, waving his hand toward him in a come here gesture, his nose still in the book.

“Are you really reading that?” Instead of an answer, and much to my amusement, he read a line from the book.

“‘For pity’s sake hold your tongue” said Marilla.’”

“Not really your style, is it?” I said as he continued to read to me, ignoring my comment. I moved again to grab my shirt and he snapped, pointing at me in warning. His eyes remained glued to the pages, never breaking dialogue. I slowly moved toward him, and as soon as I was close enough, he yanked me into his open arm. Bared breasted and over it, I looked up at his face, completely enamored, and let my smile through. Feeling comfortable, I listened to Jack read me my favorite story in his deep, soothing voice laced with a hint of Cajun.

I sank into him, content, until minutes later his phone buzzed and his jaw tensed. My eyes widened as I saw the name Seth written across his screen and shot up to grab my jeans.

“He can’t see you, beb,” he tried to reassure me.

“No? Well,” I mumbled through the neck of my shirt, “if he could, we’d both be running naked!”

“Hello,” he answered as I slapped my hands over my mouth to keep my father from hearing me and then fought frantically to work the dress over my ass. “Yeah, I can be there in about…” Jack’s eyebrows rose to me in question as I narrowed mine at him, making a shooing motion with my hands. “Ten minutes,” he said disappointedly. When the call ended, he pulled me into his lap. Jack cradled me as his breath hit my neck and he whispered low in my ear. “Something this perfect will always be ruined by this busy, jealous world. That’s why we have to make the time for the things that are important. That’s why we have to push back.”

I nodded, loving his depth, loving the feel of him around me. “I’m going to take about two full minutes away from the time I promised him to thoroughly kiss you.” His hands roamed over my skin as it became hot to his touch. He tilted my head back as he leaned in. “Because it’s important, and I want it bad enough.” His lips took mine, gently at first, his need pressing in as the seconds passed until it turned into something else entirely. That kiss was gas to a lit fire as we both ignited like the clock wasn’t ticking, like my father wasn’t waiting, like we owned ourselves, our lives, and each other.

When Jack finally pulled away, he grabbed my book.

I shook my head and said, “You can’t. It’s my favorite. I’ve never let anybody borrow it.”

“So you’ll let me,” he said, pulling on his t-shirt with the book in hand.