He promised.

No, no one will want to hear our story anymore because it doesn’t have the ending that they want, but for Grant, I will always tell it.


Thank you God, for this awesome journey, for the friends I’ve made and the lessons I’ve learned.

I want to thank my hubby, who has stood by me for the last eleven years and been my constant. In a world this scary sometimes all you have to do is be there, but you do so much more and are so much more and I am so grateful. I love you, Nick.

To my Street Team the Asskickers: Stacy, Tabatha, Cindy, Akeisha, Sophie, Julie, Paula, Susan, Melissa, Theresa, Jessica, Jess B, Gia, Sarah, Vrsha, Jessica R, Jen, Kathy, Lina, SB, Donna, Karrie, Lisa D, Rachel, Kristan, Erica, Beth, Angela, Kelli C, Sharon, Beverly, Courtney, Jessica, Jen, Stephanie, Danielle, Jules, Yamara, Vrosha, Sopie, Christin, Karrie, Paula, Tristan, Sarah-Jane, Christy B, Cathy, Theresa, Malene, Kim B, Kathryn S, Cheryl, Jessica B, Suzanne B, Donna, Alison, Letitia, Stephanie, Katy, Kathy, Darlene, Marie, Heather, Cezanne, Keanna, Melissa, SB and Sanne, thank you for all you do and for having my back. I love you ladies and I love all the fun we have.

To My Dear Friends: Jules, Christine, Theresa, Ally, Erica, Edee, Irene, Stacy, Anne, Julie, Patty, Jessica X2, Heather, Jackie (MJ), Danielle, Sharon, Anne, Yams, Riann, you ladies give me a damn good reason to smile. Seriously, you women are extraordinary and I’m so lucky.

To My Family: To say I’m blessed is a cop out, seriously your love and support especially this last month or two has been amazing. What a lucky Scott I am.

Bloggers: I’m so grateful for you. Thank you for taking the time to do what you do and for giving my books a chance. Your love of books and your eagerness to share the books you love is really something, so thank you.

For Seth and Laura

To my wonderful and beautiful readers,

I'm so thankful for every single one of you. Thank you for taking a chance on my books out of the millions to chose from.

For all those that have been with me since ROOM 212, we have offically come to end of an era together. We have laughed, we have cried, yelled and grown together. Thank you for all the support.

To the ones who have just entered my crazy world, from the bottom to the top of my heart, I'm honored and beyond grateful. ??

We have many exciting and new things to come ;)

XO Kate


For the last ten years, I've roamed the globe, captivated by the world around me. I've seen the seven wonders and admired sunsets from every continent. I'd lived and loved and that was enough for me. It would have to be.

I was content, satisfied with my collection of experiences . . . until a phone call led me down a road less traveled.

If I'd known my fascination would pique and be forever quenched only a few hundred miles from where my curiosity had been born, I may have never set sail.


Stripped of the future I'd planned with the love of my life, my family and my career were now all that mattered. I'd lived and loved and that was enough. It would have to be.

I struggled to move forward, to discard the part of me that held out hope for my obliterated heart. But I was bred a romantic, so it was easier said than done.

The chances of being struck by lightning are 1 in 960,000.

The odds of being struck twice are 1 in 9 million.

I risked those odds every minute, often cursing the dark sky, praying for static and a rumble of thunder, but it never came.

No, that second bolt hit me on a clear day.

Enjoy music with your reading?

Listen to the The Heart Spotify playlist
