“Done, and don’t think I won’t dock your pay for every minute you’ve kept me waiting.”

“Dock me,” I snapped, closing my tool box while whistling Dixie. I brushed past Troy with a “Merry Christmas, Scrooge. I sure hope there are no Tiny Tim’s in your neighborhood, for they will surely starve.”

“I have a damned Barbie house to put together and two bikes,” he groaned as he slid the hangar door shut then locked it.

I grinned at his back, hoping for the same circumstances to bitch about some day. I couldn’t wait to see whose genes won out, Rose’s or my own. If I had to guess, I was pretty sure the 5’ 6”, red haired goddess I was about to marry would win that war. I was also sure I wouldn’t give up after the first battle.

I got into my truck and blew hot air into my hands, rubbing them together while it warmed up. I couldn’t help my excitement as I pulled out the stethoscope again and tested it on my own heart. I could only hope she would understand the significance of the note.

Of course she would. She’d been just as surprised by the freight train that ran us both over as I was, even if that freight train was me.

A year ago on this very same night, I’d fisted a bottle of Jack Daniels while my father slept uncomfortably, crying out in pain every so often. It was a shitty existence to live for someone you knew was about to die and not having a damn thing to look forward to. I’d drowned my sorrows in a bottle, making my new year’s resolutions early. I’d decided, I would by the same time next year, have something to look forward to.

And God wasn’t she something.

I pull out my phone looking for any word from her as I glanced at my dash clock.

Rose: Hurry up, roughneck. I love you.

Pulling out a small gift bag and tissue paper I had ready, I carefully wrapped the stethoscope and note inside it, along with a note of my own, and then tucked the bag under the passenger seat where it would stay hidden until we got back from her parents on Christmas Day. I got her a slew of shitty gifts just to deter her from this one and I couldn’t wait to see her face when she opened the first shit gift tonight: a duck caller from the online Duck Dynasty store. I would tell her it was for our new pets. I burst out laughing as I imagined the confused face she would make when she opened it. I had to get my laughter out now before I was forced to hold back in her presence. If she seemed too disappointed, I’d race out to this truck and make it up to her.

Anything for her, always for her...my something to look forward to.


“Merry Christmas, Jennifer!”

I threw the bags filled with presents inside our apartment then started wrapping as fast as I could. Grant was due back from work any minute and I didn’t want him to see what I’d gotten him. We had set a date to marry on New Year’s Eve and our apartment was flooded with packed boxes. Jennifer was moving to California after our graduation ceremony next month, but I couldn’t justify moving my husband in with us. We had found a rental home close to ground zero of our ranch home. The foundation had already been poured and most of the framing was done. I was beside myself with my excitement. Our wedding would be a small intimate ceremony at my parents’ house. I’d never wanted a huge wedding and Grant seemed to only want the title of husband. I’d spent a majority of the day finalizing all the details with my mother that was just as excited and spent way too much money on pre-wedding pampering. I was anxious to share the details with Grant, but more so about the bow covered negligee I had purchased today. Being with Grant had released the vixen in me. Not only that, the woman I’d sworn I’d be someday. I’d never felt more feminine, more beautiful, or more cherished. I couldn’t wait to wear the dress I’d dreaded picking out for him.

I had also gotten a ton of food and booze for a private little Christmas Eve feast. Not only did I have a wedding to look forward to, but I had also earned the interview with Dr. McGuire.

“Merry Christmas, you happy bitch,” Jennifer said, rolling her eyes when I cued up the Christmas tunes.

“I know. It’s totally annoying, isn’t it?” I said, taping my first box throwing it to the side to start the next.

“Wow am I glad I let that guy in!” she noted as I sang along to the Drifters’ “White Christmas”.

“I know. I am, too. That’s why I got you this.” I threw the gift at her, smacking her in the head on accident and wincing as she gave me the evil eye.


She hastily opened the tiny box and smiled.

“You really are doing this?” She took the bridesmaid necklace from the box and put it around her neck.

“Four months is crazy, I know, but I can’t live without him.”

“He is your match, Rose. I’ve been your best friend for years and you have never been this happy, even with what’s his face.”

“Don’t even say it,” I warned. “That wasn’t even love.”

My phone rang and I saw the picture of Grant and me in front of our tree the day the foundation was poured.

“Hi, my love. Are you on your way?”

“Yes, and I’m about to lose it thinking about what you did to me last night.” I giggled like an idiot as Jennifer rolled her eyes and headed to the kitchen, mumbling about something to do with her being excited about privacy. I ignored her to tell my fiancé about the night I had planned for us.

“I got eggnog, champagne, and shrimp. Enough for us both to eat.”