“God, I needed that sleep.” He pulled me onto his lap and kissed me soundly. “You tired?”

“A little but not enough to pass out.”

“Then let me feed you.” And he did, taking a large chunk of fluffy pancake and gently putting it into my mouth. I moaned in appreciation as he licked a bit of syrup off of my lip.

“So fucking sexy,” he murmured.

“Your dad is in earshot!” I protested.

“He probably thinks you’re sexy, too.”

“I do,” I heard in a weak voice that managed to carry across the house.

“Pipe down, you old perv. She’s definitely too good for you.”

I slapped Grant’s hands away as he groped me as much as possible then made my way to Davis.

“How are we doing in here?” I asked as I stared at his full plate of pancakes.

“I just can’t do it,” he wheezed at me. “Please don’t tell him.”

“I won’t,” I said as I tossed the contents into the trash can next to his bed and pulled the bag out, sealing it. “Our secret.”

“Thank you, darlin’.”

I walked out of the room as fast as my feet would take me because I knew what was coming and I couldn’t bear it.

Hours later, I was at Davis’s bedside as Grant ran some much-needed errands. We’d been working on a game of checkers for the better part of an hour as Davis faded in and out, growing weaker by the second.

“You love him, don’t you?” It was barely a whisper, and though it took me by surprise, I gave him an honest answer.

“Yes, I do. With every single inch of me, I do. I love him very much.”

“That’s good news,” he said weakly, trying in vain to come up with the strength to speak. I adjusted his pillow behind him. “He told me he’d found the woman he’d been looking for. The only time he smiles lately is when we talk about you.” His faced creased deeply with his attempt at a smile, and for a brief moment I saw a glimpse of Grant as an older man.

I took the seat next to him and leaned into his line of vision. “I’ve found my forever guy in him. He’s amazing and warm and funny and caring and means everything to me. You did a fantastic job with him. I’ll take good care of him, I promise.”

“You already do.” I turned to see Grant in the doorway, eyes wide and filled with emotion. He cleared his throat, smiling at us both. “I see you two have become well acquainted.”

“Sure have, she’s kicking my ass on the board but she’s been sweet about it.” He smiled at his son and I saw a wave of pain hit him. I stuck the needle into his drip and waited for him to nod a yes to me as I squeezed a small dose of morphine in. I quickly cornered his bed and sat with him, holding his hand until I saw a small sign of relief on his pained face. I watched him slip off to sleep and felt Grant’s hands on my shoulder.

“You look just like him, Grant.”

”I know.”

“He’s a handsome man.”

“So am I.” I grinned up at him and could see a smile on his lips that didn’t quite reach his eyes. He pulled the covers up over his sleeping father and I saw his face crumble in recognition that it wouldn’t be long. Even I could physically feel his father slipping away. I stood up and turned to him, wrapping my arms around him, trying to soothe him with my words.

“You are so amazing, Grant. He’s lucky to have you as a son. You have taken excellent care of him. There really is nothing more you could do. Please know he loves you and he knows you love him. I can tell you are the light of his life.”

Without replying, he took my hand and led me to the back porch, which had an incredible mountain view on a clear day like today. I turned my eyes towards Grant just as he buried his head in his hands for a moment and then looked up at me with hopeful eyes.

“Do you really love me or were you just saying that, you know...to make him feel better?”

“Of course I love you, Grant. I’m crazy in love with you, can’t you tell?”

His eyes were swimming as he gently took my mouth. I cried into his lips, my confession making me tear up. I pulled back and gave him my heart with my next confession.