“You aren?

??t even pretty enough for him!”

“Thanks,” I snapped then resumed picking out my lunch.

“He will be back,” she said with false confidence. “I know it. He couldn’t ever get enough of me and you are just a whim.”

“I am the whim he is coming to see tonight!” I seethed, facing her then with my full bitch on.

“Bitch, watch your back.”

“Watch my back? What are you, ten? Look, I love Grant. He’s an awesome guy and I am sorry you’re hurting.” I took my tone down a bit, all of a sudden feeling guilty for what Grant had done to her, even if he did believe she was unfaithful. “I am sorry you’re hurt.”

“You love him, huh? Well, he loves me and time will tell.”

“Can time tell you to please get your crazy ass away from me! Seriously, we’re old enough to know better. I don’t fight and I certainly don’t fight over men.”

“Men, huh?” she said as she tilted her head in mocking. “How many are you dating, Rose? Maybe I should let Grant know.”

“Do whatever you want. Talk to whoever you want, but please get help somewhere,” I said, looking for the closest escape route.

“I won’t do that.” I saw her lip quiver and her eyes fill with tears. “Look, I’m sorry for what I did to your arm. I just...miss him. I thought things were good.” Her tears flowed freely and it was then I let my compassion take hold. I knew I would be devastated to lose him and hoped my fate would never be similar to hers.

“Can I ask you a question, Rebecca?”

“Why not?” she scoffed, eyeing me.

“Was he wildly romantic with you? Did he declare his love quickly and say...things, you know, to make you fall for him?”

“Wildly romantic? Grant? Ha! Grant doesn’t have a romantic bone in his body. Who are you dating? He’s a realist like me.” I felt my heart soar as she answered me and hastily changed my story to spare her.

“I didn’t mean to imply he was romantic with me. I’m just curious.”

She narrowed her eyes at me. This lady was no dummy. “I can’t handle this. I really hate you. Fuck you both.”

“Have a good lunch,” I called after her. Poor guy, six months of that crap!

I pulled out my phone to let him know he had escaped a life of turmoil when I saw he was already calling. “Did you really go out with that bipolar nut job for six months!?”

“She’s a bit shallow, I know, but she has a decent heart. You just have to dig deep.”

“I would have to dig forever. I can’t believe you dated that thing.”

“What happened?” I could hear his concern and smiled.

“Nothing I couldn’t handle.”

“I told you she was an in between. I miss you.”

“I don’t blame you now for dropping her the way you did. I miss you, too. Are you on your way?” I felt a flutter of excitement race through me. He was what I looked so desperately forward to after a week with Dr. McGuire.

“No, I can’t come. That’s why I’m calling.”

“Damn, I had dinner and everything...Oh, Grant, is it your father? How is he?”

“It’s pretty bad.” The sadness in his voice let me know it was worse than usual.

“Oh, I’m so sorry.”