Grant: Of course, that is unless you’re already a member. Then don’t tell me. Fuck. I would hate that. Okay, now you have to tell me. Baby, you there?

Rose: I’m here.

Grant: Well, are you going to tell me?

Rose: No.

Grant: That’s just cruel. Don’t forget you’re a screamer.

Rose: No I’m not.

Grant: Not yet.

Rose: Is that a threat?

Grant: I have

moves you haven’t had yet, baby, and I will have you screaming on a plane. Now send me a naughty picture to get me through the day.

Rose: You are so random and hell no.

Grant: Chicken.

Rose: No way, you have no idea how many channels it has to go through to get to you.

Grant: Give me something.

Rose: No.

Grant: Prude.

Rose: Pervert.

Grant: I’m waiting.

Rose: Hold your breath too, you ass.

Grant: God I miss you. Now I’m hard. I love it when you get feisty. Where are you?

Rose: Home

Grant: Perfect, pull down your panties and show me where you want me.

Burning was all I could feel as my pulse kicked into overdrive. The way he felt inside of me when he swiveled his hips and went deep was all I could think about. Now I was aching deep inside, a part that only Grant had touched, only Grant could seem to fill.

Becoming bold with thoughts of him and the way he made me feel, I slid my panties off and went to the bathroom. Ten minutes later, I was sweating as I contorted my body in every odd angle trying to capture a decent naked picture of myself. With my foot propped on the counter, I was just about to snap a money shot, or so I thought, when a door smacked painfully into my side, sending me flying through the air. I landed on the toilet, my phone escaping my hand only to fall dead center of the throne with a loud plunk.

“Jennifer!” I shrieked, looking at my ruined phone then reaching for a towel above me that was hanging on the rack. Jennifer stood silent for all of the three seconds it took for her to assess the situation before she immediately sat on her ass at the bathroom doorway, erupting in hysterical laughter.

Neither of us really had any body shame and had seen each other naked a hundred times, but this was different entirely. I buried my head in my hands and shook it back and forth in embarrassment. I’d never been that ‘sexy’ girl and trying had turned into a disaster.

“,” Jennifer started in an attempt to soothe me. Her cackling ceased temporarily but her shit eating grin remained. “I guess every woman gets curious to see her goods at least once.”

“It’s not that,” I said, my face flaming a bit. “I was trying to get a sexy shot for Grant.”

Jen looked at me for a split second before bursting into more laughter. “Rose, and you thought taking a shot from underneath would be the best plan? Oh, buddy.” She laughed. “No, no, no. Flat on your back, legs spread, and with way better lighting. You want my selfie-stick?”

I pursed my lips, wrapping the towel firmly around me. “Such an expert.”