“Hmm, interesting,” I said, pretending to push up glasses on my nose that didn’t exist.

“Shut up. It really is cool what water can do,” she defended. She went into minor detail about the magic of water, ending in an impressive spiel about the psychological effects as well. I was slightly intimidated so naturally I made a joke about it.

“You are really weird, you know that?” I said, half-kidding as she pulled the pen from her mouth.

The bedroom door suddenly flew open and a kid no more than ten or twelve burst through. She had fiery red hair and the same green eyes as Dallas.

“She is a total weirdo! My dad says she gets it from my mom.”

“Rose Whitaker, get out of this room right now!” Dallas fired at her little sister. Rose, ignoring her completely, looked at me with curiosity. I winked at her as her cheeks reddened and she approached me with caution.

“So, you are Dean. Do you have any brothers?” I laughed loudly as I looked over at Dallas who was glaring at her sister.

“No, I’m an only child.”

Rose’s eyes widened. “I wish I were, too,” she said, shooting a mock filled look at Dallas. “Anyway, you are a little old for me, but you’ll do.”

“Rose!” Dallas said, closing her book and standing up, ready to physically remove her sister from the room.

“Dallas,” I reasoned, amused as Rose took a seat next to me, laying down the rules. “No kissing. I’m not that type of girl,” she squeaked as she eyed me blatantly, egging her sister on. Dallas groaned and Rose winked back at me secretly. I knew she wasn’t a kid with a crush. She was a kid with an agenda whose sole purpose was to irritate her sister. I liked her right away.

“Oh, my gawd,” Dallas muttered, burying her head in her hands. I stifled my laugh as I entertained Rose and watched Dallas. It was clear her ploy was working. Dallas finally put her foot down, throwing one after the other of what had to be a dozen pillows on her bed and Rose flew out the door, looking back at me with a ‘Thank you.’

I chuckled as I watched her go. “She is something else,” I said, looking back at Dallas who had shut her door and now sat next to me with kaleidoscope eyes. She leaned in close to me and whispered, “So am I weird in a good way or a bad way?” She was flirting, or what I assumed was her way of flirting.

It had been three months since we had started hanging out and today was the day she decided to be brave.

No, Dallas. Oh, shit.

I froze, gripping the edge of her bed, wondering when her father would burst through the door with some lame excuse. He seemed nice enough when I met him, but at the end of his kind greeting there was a sort of warning in his eyes. I knew that look well and I had ignored it for years with other fathers.

Not this time.

I wasn’t sure if I was feeling it more out of fear or my own resolve. She was wearing a turtleneck sweater surrounded by a sea of pillows she claimed were a necessary comfort. That was about as safe as she could get. I laughed a little as Dallas leaned in further, clearly not having a clue what she was doing. She took offense, her face falling, and I immediately felt bad. I entertained the idea of being her first kiss, and then had the sinking feeling I may not be.

A sharp knock on her door made us both jump.

“Dinner in ten, angel,” her father barked.

“Okay, Daddy,” she said hurriedly, staring straight at me. Her cheeks were slightly flushed from embarrassment. I sat stunned at her beauty. Every once in a while I would catch a glimpse of her as an older woman and it would take my breath away.

Kind of like at that moment. I had to get out of there.

“Dallas, I need to go,” I said, standing up.

“You won’t stay for dinner?” she asked, completely deflated.

Dean, you are such an asshole.

“I can’t, see you later okay?” I excused myself, c

ramming my books in my backpack, furious with myself. Who studied like this anymore, anyway? I had carelessly agreed to come to her home, meeting her family, and being alone with her where she slept. I hadn’t thought it would be hard to stare into those sea glass green eyes or admire her perfect, pink pouty lips.

I was in my own personal Lolita hell. How had I gotten here?

