“Okay, Grant, just take me to study.”

After my statement, I realized that I had left the book I needed and my tablet back at my apartment. How in the hell had I managed that after protesting so profusely!? I’d left the one thing I needed the most. I demanded he take me back but he refused, stating I needed a break.

“You want me to be in this fling with you and you are ruining it already by keeping me from my books!” I saw him flinch at the word fling and felt guilty at my word choice.

“You need this. Give me one day. I didn’t forget your books, you did.”

“You’re right, you didn’t but, Grant—”

“But shit, shut up and have fun with me, Rose.” He pulled up to a gas station and jumped out of the truck to escape my reply. I laughed at his boldness. This guy clearly didn’t have a clue who he was talking to. When he emerged from the store, his eyes found mine through the windshield and I could see they were asking me, not telling me. When he opened the door and made himself comfortable, I let him off the hook.

“Fine,” I said when he started the truck.

He leaned in and gave me a soft kiss. “Thanks, you won’t regret it.”

I reasoned my way into a day of fun with the most amazing sex partner and super sexy man I’d ever met. I took in his features as he smiled heavily all the way to the gate of his land. I hadn’t noticed it on our first night but the gate ran in a great length across a number of different pastures. It was way more than I had seen on our previous trip. There were fields and fields of undeveloped land and we were completely secluded. Trees lined the outer banks of the gate and only a few were visible within them. We pulled up to the most shaded area and I saw the pond a great distance ahead of us.

“How much do you own?”

“All of it. As far as you can see.”

“It’s amazing.”

“Glad you like it because we’re going to build our house today, Rose.”

“What? I’m not qualified to do that!”

“Neither am I. We’re just daydreaming here.” He jumped out of the truck again before I could say another word but caught my eyes before he closed the door.

Looking around at the property, I saw the happiness cover his features as he unpacked his truck and took out a huge yellow island-sized float then hooked it up to a small air pump.

“Do you need any help?” I asked as he smoothed out the wrinkled edges of the float.

“Nope, I’ve got this. Make yourself comfortable,” he said, dumping ice into a cooler packed with beer.

“I have no suit.”

He didn’t hesitate before gracing me with his dimple. “Your bra and panties will do.”

“You could have asked me to bring one,” I said grudgingly.

“I hadn’t planned on it being this easy, but you surprised me again.”

“Well, to hell with your presumptions, Grant. I’d be more comfortable in a suit,” I ranted, growing impatient with his ready-made plans. I was becoming a sucker for him more and more by the minute.

“Oh, baby, you’re making me hard.” He teased as he eyed me over the enormous and growing float.

“You are crazy!” I declared with the lift of my voice.

“Crazy about the most beautiful woman in Texas.”

“Hardly.” I rolled my eyes and absently ran my hand through the rat’s nest on top of my head, trying to separate my curls.

“I’ve searched for you high and low.”

“Liar, you were with that girl when you met me.”

“I was with that girl for a good six months before I met you.” Shock washed over me as I realized this was all getting to be too much.