“God, baby, do I ever,” he said, grinding his hips into me. I caught his gaze again, questioning him without humor. “No, I mean do you still want to be with me? Like the old and gray, death do us part kind of love me?”

“Of course, Dallas.” He looked confused. “Where is this coming from?”

“Just making sure,” I said, opening his car door.

“Obviously I have a little work to do.” He got in the car opposite of me, leaned in and gave me a slow sweet kiss.

“Where are we off to, my lady?” he asked, his eyes taking me in. I must have looked a mess in my t-shirt, jeans, damp hair, and no makeup. I pulled down the visor and gasped in horror.

“Home immediately to change.”

“Dallas, you look beautiful the way you are.”

I squared my shoulders and bit out my order. “Tonight I want to be dined like a lady and screwed like a whore, and I want to look the part. Home, Dean.”

His eyes flickered with heat I had been missing for months and I rubbed my hand gently over his crotch as he took off like a bat out of hell.

An hour later, I met him at our front door wearing the tightest red dress I had that sloped low, accenting my cleavage and some ‘do me’ stilettos. I didn’t have the body I once had. I was a mother of two and it showed. I had rounded out some, my hips wider, still retaining ten or fifteen pounds that lingered, but somehow I felt better than I ever had. Dean’s eyes appreciated me as I shrugged my coat on.

“I love it,” he said, leaning down trailing his hands across my stomach and reaching up to cup my breasts over my dress. “I love you,” he murmured, wetting his lips and leaning in for a heated kiss. He turned me to face the door and slid my dress up, leaving me panting and shaking in anticipation. He massaged my ass and ran his finger under the thin strip of my thong. Seconds later, I heard the rip and my panties were on the floor. He grabbed my hand and twisted it behind me, covering the huge bulge in his pants and I moaned my appreciation.

“Now we’re ready.” I looked back in time to see his lips curve into a wicked smile as he reached for the door.

Yeah…we’ve still got it.


Thank you to my betas: Sharon, Patty, Beth, Stacy, Anne, Julie, Danielle, Yamara, Jen, Heather, Beverly, Tara and Dawn.

Bloggers - I love you. Thank you for all your amazing support the past year and a half. Honestly there are way too many to name, but I’m thankful for each and every one of you.

MJ - You are truly the most amazing woman and best friend a girl could have. I love you.

To my Street Team the Asskickers – Stacy, Tabatha, Cindy, Akeisha, Sophie, Julie, Paula, Susan, Melissa, Theresa, Jessica, Jess B, Gia, Sarah, Vrsha, Jessica R, Jen, Kathy, Lina, SB, Donna, Karrie, Lisa D, Beth and Sanne. Virtual hugs and fist bumps to every single one of you. I can’t believe it’s only been a year and half! You ladies mean the world to me. Thanks for sticking around.

Jess Bee - Thank you once again for recovering my fumbles and being a stellar friend while doing it. You really have stuck by me since the beginning. We are lifers, you and I.

For those who still believe in love at first sight.


“Momma?” I called out as I ran up the steps to our front door, already out of breath from the walk from the bus stop where she usually met me. Today she wasn’t there waving at me from below the window when the bus pulled up. This morning, she told me she wasn’t feeling good. Since Christmas, she’s been in bed a lot. I know she doesn’t want me to hear her cry so she keeps the door shut, but I’ve been leaving my favorite Tonka trucks by her door so she knows I want to make her feel better.

“I’ll be staying with my sister in Abeline,” I heard my momma say. My father started to yell and cold chills from the sweat drying made me shiver in th

e heat. I hated when Daddy yelled. He did it all the time now. Momma got sad and Daddy just yelled at her, making her more sick. I hated Daddy for it. Momma doesn’t smile anymore, and I know daddies are supposed to make mommas smile. My best friend Garrett’s daddy made his momma smile all the time. My daddy just yelled at her when she talked.

“You aren’t going anywhere with my son!” I heard him boom.

“Keep your voice down. He’ll be home any minute, and I want us to explain this to him together.”

“Explain what? That you’ve lost your marbles and you’re abandoning him?”

“I’m leaving you, Davis. You. Let me make that clear—”

I couldn’t think beyond hearing her say she was leaving. Opening the door, I ran inside, finding them in the bedroom. Momma was packing as Daddy blocked the door. I pushed past him and ran to my mother that was stuffing shirts into her full suitcase.

“Momma, why? Why are you leaving?” Momma looked at me in surprise then started to cry.