Tobias darts his eyes to Matteo, his gun still trained on Andre. “Want to answer that?”

Matteo speaks up. “Trust me, man, you don’t want me to open that door.”

Tobias nods. “I can have the money to you in minutes.”

“Like I said,” Dominic hisses, “I’m not happy with this deal.”

It’s then I see Dominic’s gun tucked in Matteo’s jeans. He’s unarmed. He didn’t make it to his gun in time. And it’s because of me. If he’d had it, this would already be over. Bile climbs up my throat as I try to steady myself against the wall behind me.

“It’s the only deal to be made, brother,” Tobias snaps, a warning in his voice.

“Cecelia,” Dominic says, in the intimate tone he used with me in the days we spent together, alone.

“Dominic,” Tobias implores, a jagged fear in his voice.

“I’m talking to Cecelia,” Dominic counters.

“Yes?” My eyes spill as Tobias darts his apprehensive gaze between his brother and me.

“After this, you want to watch a movie?” Dominic asks. “You can make that cheddar popcorn I love. We can crowd under that blanket that smells like…what’s that smell?”

I choke on a fresh wave of fear. “Lavender,” I say as more tears stream down my cheeks.

“Yeah. And I’ll let you watch a chick movie because all I really want to do is watch you watch it. Your face gets all dopey when you get love drunk.”

“Must be some good shit if she’s whipped you, Dom,” Matteo snarks, his vacant eyes lifting to me.

“We love rainy days, don’t we, baby?” Dominic’s voice drifts up as he takes a step toward Matteo.

“We do.” A sob escapes me as I cripple under the tension. To my right is safety—Tobias—to my left, certain death. And death is much closer. If that blade reaches me before Tobias’s bullet, I’m first. But if he doesn’t make it to his brother in time…it’s a choice that Tobias has to make. Save his brother or me, and Dominic is making it for him, trying to throw himself on the grenade.

“We don’t fucking negotiate with terrorists.” Dominic tilts his head in challenge, and Matteo only grins, his canines dripping acid. He outweighs Dominic by at least eighty pounds, but Dominic has speed and incredible strength. He wouldn’t need either if I had trusted him earlier. If I’d believed him. I’m the reason he doesn’t have his gun.

“Dominic,” I whimper as he takes another step down the stairs toward Matteo.

“What is it, baby?”

“S’il te plaît, ne fais rien de stupide. Je t’aime.” Please don’t do anything stupid. I love you.

“Je sais.” I know.

“Dominic,” Tobias orders gruffly. “Stand down, right fucking now. We’re still talking.”

Dominic takes another step toward Matteo. “Care to dance?”

“Honored, my friend,” Matteo replies.

“Make it a good one.”

“Dominic, no!” Tobias yells just as Dominic lunges for Matteo.

Tobias charges forward a second before Andre reaches me with the blade, batting me back before he takes Andre down with a point-blank shot to the head. Tobias clears the whole of the railing, stumbling in his landing just as Dominic lands a solid right to Matteo’s face. I hear the crack of bone as blood sprays from Matteo’s nose.

Tobias is just a few steps away from his brother when Dominic rears back and kicks Matteo in the chest. Matteo falls straight back, bypassing the stairs, his back smacking in the landing. Dominic leaps toward where Matteo lays before he makes a fast turn back in our direction, meeting Tobias midway and knocking him out of the way just as the air splinters with the ping of bullets.

The plaster next to my head explodes as I scream out. Dominic is leaping toward me, his eyes bulging when the second shot rips through his abdomen. The third shot hits Dominic in the thigh just as he cups his stomach falling to his knees before jerking forward when a fourth shot pierces his shoulder just as Tobias pushes him out of the way.

Tobias roars, turning and unloading his gun on Matteo’s lower half before crashing into him at the foot of the stairs. Another shot pings the air landing somewhere in the foyer. Leaping to my feet, I race to Dominic just as his eyes cloud over and his mouth opens, clear agony written all over his face as he reaches for me. I make it to him in seconds, and he pulls me with him before he stumbles back, landing agains