“So, it’s you, then?” He says, his posture possessive, threatening in a way I’ve never seen.

I can see the amusement in Tobias’s eyes as he sizes Collin up.

“Collin, stop.” I intercept as he approaches and place a hand on his chest. “What are you doing here?”

He lifts his chin toward Tobias. “What is he doing here?”

“We were just talking.”

Collin charges past me and squares off with Tobias as a surge of apprehension rolls through me. I do my best to get in between them as a sick smile crosses Tobias’s face. “Heard a lot about you.”

“Ironically, I hadn’t heard a word about you until recently,” Collin retorts, his accent riddled with condescension.

Tobias’s smile grows, and he gives Collin a slow wink. “I’m a best-kept secret.”

“Collin,” I interject, “please go inside. I’ll meet you there.”

Collin turns to me. “You think I’m scared of this, this,” he snorts, “thug in a suit?”

Tobias’s laugh is maniacal. “I can see why you like him. He’s funny.”

“This stops now!” I move to wedge myself between them and know the effort is futile.

“I was just leaving,” Tobias says, stepping away, his gaze darting to me and zeroing in on the ring resting on my finger. “It’s your turn, Cecelia.”

My turn, my turn to keep up my end of the bargain. He wants to leave it like this?

Hell no.

“We aren’t done talking,” I snap before turning to Collin. “Please wait for me inside.”

“No need, she’s all yours,” Tobias says, twisting the knife in.

Collin rips his gaze from me, barking after Tobias who is barely a step past him. “Make sure you recite that to yourself on the way home. Or better yet, write it down,” Collin snaps. “That is if you can spell.”

“Tobias, no,” I groan in anguish just as Collin yelps when Tobias pins him to the snow-covered lounger. He lifts a clenched fist to his line of vision before playfully popping Collin on the nose with his knuckles. Bright red blood starts trickling out of his nose as I rip at Tobias’s shoulders. In one cruel move, Tobias has completely emasculated Collin.

Tobias shrugs me off easily as he leans down just an inch away from Collin’s gushing nose. “How does it feel to know that when you were fucking your future wife, she was thinking of me?”

Collin’s eyes bulge and water as he looks at me over Tobias’s shoulder, utter devastation etching his face.

Enraged, I pound on Tobias back. “Damn you, let him go!”

“I’ve got that thug dick she craves,” he sneers, sliding his crotch along Collin’s stomach as I rip at his shoulders as he leans in. “Can you make her come with just a finger and a whisper in her ear? I mastered that.” Tobias glances over at me, his eyes lit before turning back to Collin, hauling him off the lounger and righting him to stand before straightening his jacket. “If you needed some tips, all you had to do was ask.”

Tobias’s eyes go dim, all traces of humor gone. He brushes Collin’s shoulders as Collin glares at him, nose gushing. “Don’t insult me again, pretty boy, or playtime will be over.” Tobias releases him and turns to me. “Take him home, and while you’re at it, stay there.”

“You’re such a horrible bastard.”

“I never claimed to be a good man,” he says, taking long strides toward the gate. “Not once. That’s part of the story you made up in your head.” He smashes out of the gate, and I call after him.

“I’m not leaving!”

“Yes, you are.”

As if out of thin air, a car pulls up and Tobias slips in the passenger side. They tear off out of the driveway through the dense and heavily falling snow, disappearing out of sight.

I turn back to Collin, who glares at me from where he stands, holding his bloodied nose with his hand.