“I do. Kind of.”

He sighs. “I can get the possession charge dropped, and the ticket reduced to something less criminal, but you aren’t getting your car back.”

I pause my walk. “What?”

“There was a van on the road, and so they accused you of street racing. They’re impounding your Audi for a minimum of thirty days. I may be able to wipe the charges, but small towns like this will suck you dry with penalties to make their quota.”

“It’s fine.”

“It’s not fine, that was fucking reckless. What are you doing?” He asks as he escorts me to his car. I go to take the keys, and he jerks his head. “Hell no. You’re lucky you got to keep your license.”

“Fine.” I sigh and get in when he opens the passenger door.

“This is not like you. What is happening here?”

“I’m sorry, Dad. Let’s just pay the fines, and I’ll figure a car out.”

“I’ve already got a rental lined up. But, Cee—”

“I had a moment,” I admit sheepishly. “It was stupid. It’s over.”

Once behind the wheel he regards me carefully. “You’ve been having moments since we got here.”

“I know, okay? I know. I’ve just been feeling a little restless lately.”

“What exactly happened here?”

“Too much to explain, and too unbelievable for you to imagine.”

I turn to him, resigned. I trust Ryan with my life. He’s the one and only person who’s helped me with my side hustle in bringing the most notorious down. He’s proven himself time and time again. “Am I really losing you?”

“Yes. Answer the question.”

“I did answer you, just before you resigned.”

“This shit right here is why I’m not changing my mind.”

He starts the car and takes off, driving me toward my father’s house.

“I don’t want to go back there.”

“Tough shit. You need to really think about what you’re doing. You’ve all but declared war on a man who does nothing but glare at you.”

“Haven’t noticed.” I stare out the window as clusters of evergreens pass in a blur. “I’m sorry for the trouble.”

“It’s fine, Cee, just, I’m worried.” He glances over at me. “Just tell me how I can help fix the real problem.”

“You can’t. No one can. He knows what I want, and until he gives it to me, I’m stuck here in limbo.” I cover his arm with my hand over the console. “You can go home. I’m set up here now. I have to see this through.”

“Look at what just happened. You think I’ll leave you here to deal with it alone?”

“It’s the only way to deal with it,” I say, resigned. “It’s time, Ryan. I’ve got to do this myself.”

I turn back to the passing landscape and see we’re already on the long road back to the house. “Our business is concluded; it’s all personal now.”

I can feel his blue eyes on me but decide not to acknowledge it as he pulls up to the gate, and I give him the code. He whistles in appreciation as we draw closer to the house. “Nice.”

“It’s a great big fucking lie.”