“I already have, but you’re doing a good job.” It’s then I realize my fingers are running along his dick of their own accord. I jerk my hand away, and his dark chuckle fills the room.

“Why are you acting this way? I’ve done nothing to you.”

“Maybe I just don’t like you.”

“Well then, maybe I just won’t give a fuck.”

He leans in and grips my chin, hard. “But you do.”

I rip my face out of his hold just as the door slams. I’m shaking from head to toe when Sean rounds the corner. One look at my face wipes his greeting smile away.

“Your girl just rubbed on my dick,” Dominic says as if reporting the weather while he snags a beer from Sean’s bag, twists off the cap and flicks it toward the sink. My jaw goes slack and Dominic shrugs, “She likes watching me sleep, too. Thought you should know.”

I shake my head furiously, tears threatening as I look over to Sean. “That’s not true, Sean, that’s not true.”

Setting his bag down, Sean curses and holds up a finger muting my defense before following Dominic up the stairs. Perplexed, I stand in the kitchen while my carefully planned apology dinner goes up in flames.

I’M ALREADY OUT OF THE house and halfway to my car when Sean catches up to me.


“He’s the fucking devil,” I’m feeling guilty, humiliated, and furious.

“Trust me. He’s not.”

I open my car door and Sean slams it. “Don’t let him fuck us up.”

“I didn’t touch his dick.” I’m lying. I’m lying to him. “I did, but not that way.” Sean’s mouth quirks as I groan in frustration. “Not in a sexual way. He…I did see him naked. This morning. He had his door wide open and he was lying there. Naked. And I saw him.”

Sean’s lips twist up further into a smile. “That bastard would work naked if he could. He’s a nudist. Don’t worry about it.”


“Yeah, really. Is that why you’ve been jumpy today? You thought I’d be pissed?”

“Well, I didn’t know…” I shake my head. “It’s a weird position to be in.”

“Dominic is a master of flipping a situation. It’s nothing new.” He watches me carefully. “Did you like what you saw?”

“W-what?” I gape at him.

“There’s no other way to ask that question, Cecelia.”

He’s not backing down and he can read me, so it’s pointless to lie. I don’t want to lie to Sean.

“He’s attractive, but—”

“The blow job this morning?” He lifts both brows and his smile goes a mile wide. “That was either guilt, or you were hot, or both.”

“Can we talk about how your roommate is the Son of Satan for a second?”

“Deflecting,” he laughs. “Interesting.”

“Shut up. He’s attractive, and he knows it. He’s also several other choice adjectives.”

Sean grips the back of my neck and pulls us nose to nose. “I’m fucking crazy about you. You know that, right? Last night was incredible.”

I return his grin. “Feeling’s mutual. I just didn’t know how to tell you without—”